Posted in This and That

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Hello and happy Wednesday!

I enjoyed linking up with Joyce a couple of weeks ago, so I’m doing so again today for Wednesday Hodgepodge:

Let’s get started answering this week’s questions.

1. What impresses you?

Manners. Literally…that’s the first thing that popped in my mind. When I see someone hold the door for another person, when I hear a “yes, ma’am,” or when I hear a “please” or “thank you,” I really take notice. It’s not that I think that many don’t have manners these days, but sometimes it does feel that way.

I really hope I’m raising kids who will do the right thing and be polite and respectful.

2. Where are you in the family birth order? Do you fit the stereotype of that particular slot? In what way?

I think I’m the pretty typical first born. I very much have a “type A” personality and always wanted to do the right thing, please others, and make my parents proud.

My brother is 3.5 years younger than me, and we are close, but have different personalities. As a younger sibling, he’s more easy going than I am.

3. What motivates you more – a reward or a consequence?

Oh…this is a good question.

I never really had to have consequences as a kid. Not that I was perfect…I did get grounded occasionally, but I was always pretty intrinsically motivated, and I still am. Again, I always wanted to make others proud, and I think that turned into wanting to make myself proud…and now I want to make good choices so my kids are proud of me.

That being said, as an adult, you can reward yourself…and sometimes, I do go through McDonald’s for a Diet Coke after making it through a hard day or buying myself something if I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot. I used to buy myself something at the end of every school year as a reward for making it through the year. haha! It was usually a purse I wanted, a pair of sandals for the summer, or one year I bought my Kindle. Now, I usually treat myself to an end of school pedicure which feels like a reward.

4. May 14th is National Buttermilk Biscuit Day. Do you like biscuits? Make your own? Grab one for breakfast at a drive-thru now and then? Which drive-thru makes the one you like best? What do you like to put on a biscuit? What’s your favorite food or dish that calls for buttermilk?

I do like biscuits, but I don’t make them very often. The Bisquick “just add water” package is a life saver for making quick biscuits.

7 Up biscuits are easy and delish!

I think Chick-fil-A chicken minis are good, but it’s pretty rare for us to go to CFA for breakfast.

We do have a couple of biscuit places in Lexington, and they are good.

Biscuits and gravy are not one of my faves, but Trav’s mom is known for her biscuits and gravy. There is a restaurant here that we go to pretty often for breakfast, and Hadley always orders the biscuits and gravy…and eats the gravy with a spoon!

The only dish I make that calls for buttermilk is my Irish Soda Bread that I make at St. Patrick’s Day.

5. Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? What’s your favorite part of a wedding/wedding reception?

We don’t have any weddings on our summer calendar. It is crazy to think there was a time in our life when all we did was go to weddings. One year, when we’d first started dating, Travis was in six weddings in one year!

This spring, one of my best friends got married, and it was a lovely backyard wedding.

We have a niece and a nephew that have recently gotten engaged, so my answer might be different if I was answering this same question for summer 2025.

My favorite part of a reception is seeing the bride and groom’s first dance.

When we got married in June 2025, I let Travis pick out the song as a surprise for the first dance. He chose “Someone Like You,” and I joked it was because at that time, Ashley Judd was around a lot more as a Kentucky fan…attending the basketball games…and she was in a movie by the same name.

Anyway, it’s a sweet song, so I appreciated the sentiment.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week, and I saw memes like this floating around:

While it makes me chuckle, and honestly I don’t think much about the pay…I knew what I was signing up for…but, yes, if we need an appreciation week, it probably means we spend most of the year feeling underappreciated!

I did feel the love last week. Our PTSA, admin, and local businesses did spoil us. We got ice cream one day, and then two days I didn’t have to pack a lunch…that made me so happy…especially at the end of the school year when I’m over packing lunches.

This was a fun post to write; I love having topics where I can just write the first thing that comes to mind.

Posted in Hodgepodge, This and That

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Hello and happy Wednesday!

Last week, Sarah linked up with Joyce for her weekly “Wednesday Hodgepodge” series, and I thought it looked like a fun post to write!

For the first time, I’m linking up with Joyce to share my answers.

1. When did you last have cancelled plans? Were you happy about that or disappointed?


Also me:

Off the top of my head, I can’t think of a recent time we’ve had cancelled plans. That being said, some of that is our schedule and just knowing if we want to do something, we probably have to make it work.

Depending on what’s going on, determines if I’m happy or sad about cancelled plans. haha

Over spring break, we had tentative plans to go to Keeneland, but a family matter came up that took precedence which was totally understandable.

2. On a scale of 1-10 how much of a planner are you?

I’m a level 10 planner….and I have all the things to keep me organized. I use the phone on my calendar, I have a calendar on the fridge with weekly activities and dinners, I have my school planner and school calendar, and then we use the Cozi app as a family.

I guess these things are both about having a plan and staying organized. For being in a busy stage of life, we need to have most days, weeks, and meals planned out.

That being said, I don’t enjoy planning vacations, and usually tag Travis as “it” for planning those things.

3. Do you have a menu plan for the week? If so, tell us one or two things that are on it.

This is what I use for the calendar on our fridge. I write down our meals for the week, kids’ activities, appointments, and the grocery list. I’ve purchased this magnetic meal planner three or four times. I like that it has the days of the week and a shopping list all on one pad.

This week, we’re having:

  • Sunday – chicken pot pie and bagged salad. I knew we were having a busy day with volleyball, so I wanted something quick and simple for dinner.
  • Monday – shredded BBQ chicken sandwiches, baked potatoes, and fruit. The chicken was just in the slow cooker with chopped red onion, BBQ sauce and some Italian dressing. I cooked it on low for six hours. Again, we had a busy evening with a track meet, so I wanted something ready for when we got home.
  • Tuesday – I made this Cheesy Taco Pasta, and we will have it with green beans.
  • Wednesday – Leftover taco pasta after the track meet.
  • Thursday – TBD – but either grilled cheese and tomato soup or taco pizza.

4. The Hodgepodge lands on National Bucket List Day. Do you have a bucket list? Is it written down or just in your head? What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don’t have a list, what is one thing you’d add to a list if you did?

I don’t really have a bucket list, so nothing is written down. Honestly, I don’t have activities that I really want to do…I don’t feel the need to jump out of an airplane or hike Mt. Everest. There are some places I’d like to go and things I’d like to see. At the top of my list is that I hope to go to Nantucket one day.

5. Rain buckets, a drop in the bucket, couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, sweat buckets, cry buckets…which ‘bucket’ idiom applies to your life in some way currently?

“Couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket” could definitely apply to me. I can’t carry a tune to save my life. I will sign along (quietly) to the radio in the car, and I love to watch American Idol, but that’s about it as far as singing in concerned.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

It’s hard to believe, but including today, we just have 24 days left of school.

What’s even harder to believe is that we’ll be celebrating the kids with their 8th grade promotion/graduation…and I feel like they just started middle school!

How it started:

How it’s going:

This was a fun post! I hope to share more “hodgepodge” thoughts now that I know about this link up.

Which “bucket” idiom applies to you right now?

Posted in Me, This and That

This or That: About Me


Well, in yesterday’s Share Our Lives post, I don’t think I added much since I’d shared that topic a time or two before.

Today, I’m sharing a “This or That” answering a few questions and sharing a bit more about myself.

This or That:

  • Early bird or Night owl

I’m definitely a morning girl. That doesn’t mean that I hop right out of bed, but I appreciate a quiet morning before a hectic day.

  • Smoothie or Soda

I’m a soda girl for sure. I love a Diet Coke…especially a fountain Diet Coke (with extra ice!) from McDonald’s or Chick-Fil-A

  • Sneakers or Heels

I’m definitely a sneakers girl. I’m glad that there are so many cute and stylish options. I even wear sneakers with dresses to school…especially in the fall.

  • Freckles or Dimples

I have a few freckles when I’m out in the sun. Red head/freckles run in the family. I guess I have dimples when I smile too.

  • East Coast or West Coast

Well, I’ve been to both, and if we are talking beaches, then I’m torn. I love both. If we are talking overall weather, then definitely west coast, southern California is a favorite.

  • Lefty or Righty

I’m a lefty…except in my (brief) softball days…I batted right handed.

Fun fact, in my family, my Gma, my mom, my aunt, and me are all left-handed. While I was hopeful to pass that trait on to Hadley, I got lucky and both Hayden and Hadley are left-handed. I think that’s pretty neat.

  • Middle part or Side part

I’m a side part girl. I don’t think I’m cool enough for middle part.

  • Sweet or Salty

I definitely have a sweet tooth. I’m not big on candy, but I love cookies, brownies, and cake.

  • Neutrals or Colorful

I definitely lean towards neutral colors…which probably says something about my personality. haha

  • Online shopping or In store shopping

Definitely online! That being said, I think I enjoy going in stores a bit more now because I mainly shop online. Even because I do grocery pick up, I don’t mind going into Kroger for a few things. I like to wander around Target or Home Goods when I have time.

  • Sunbathe or Get in the water

I hate being hot, but I’m a “toes in the sand with a book” kind of girl. I will get in the water to cool off.

  • Spontaneous or Planner

I don’t know how to be anything besides a planner! My “type A” self needs a plan…and a planner…and pens…

…and the Cozi app for the fam.

I hope this posts helps you get to know me a bit better 🙂

I will share the “This or That” prompts on Instagram. I’d love for you to fill it out and tag me!

Posted in Holidays, This and That

This or That: Halloween Edition

Hello and…

I haven’t written a “this or that” post in quite a while, so I thought a Halloween one would be fun. I found this one on Pinterest.

This or That:

  • Trick or Treat

Definitely treats, please!

  • Spooky stories or Spooky movies

While I love reading books that are suspenseful, a spooky movie is fun this time of the year. That being said, I’d take a Halloween/fall themed movie over a spooky one.

  • Apple cider or pumpkin spice latte

I like apple cider, but I prefer coffee with a splash of cream and a dash of pumpkin spice.

  • Hocus Pocus or Nightmare Before Christmas

I definitely prefer Hocus Pocus. We watched the new one last year on fall break.

  • Hay maze or haunted house

I definitely prefer a hay maze. I don’t think my anxiety could take a haunted house. haha

Hayden and friends went to a haunted house last week. My friend who took them definitely wins for “fun mom!”

Then, my kids’ school hosted a haunted house for the community like they did last year. The kids went last Friday night and had fun.

  • Carve a pumpkin or paint a pumpkin

We always carve them. I love that tradition…and I’m clinging to it.

  • Scare someone or be scared


  • Buy a costume or make a costume

Through the years, we’ve always bought them. When the kids were little, my mom did make one of their costumes…just like she did my brother and I were little.

  • Trick-or-treat or pass out candy

We are back to passing out candy after many years of trick-or-treating. I do think the kids will go out tonight for a bit. Hadley and friends have a group costume, but Travis and I will be on the front porch handing out candy.

  • Halloween party or cozy spooky movie night

Definitely a night in would be on my list. It’s not spooky, but I miss the tradition of watching It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

  • Pumpkin patch or apple orchard

You know I love a pumpkin patch!

That being said, I grew up across the street from an apple orchard, and I loved going to pick apples. I haven’t done that with my kids though!

What would your answers be? I will post this one on Insta!

I hope you have a great Halloween.

Posted in This and That

This or That: Summer Edition


Well, now that we are getting into “summer mode,” I’m sharing my answers to a fun “this or that” that I saw on Pinterest.

This or That:

  • Beach or Mountains:

We are definitely beach people in the summer…That being said, I’m probably the only person in my family who really enjoys the beach. Travis likes to be active, and the kids love the pool.

  • Travel or Stay-cation: We always go on a vacation in the summer. That being said, this summer we’ve had trouble figuring our travel out because Hayden’s going to South Carolina with a friend, and both kids are going to camps…but of course, they are going at different times.
  • Ocean or Lake: Both! We usually go to the beach/ocean, but last summer, we also went to the lake twice!
  • Sunscreen or Tanning Lotion: I learned a long time ago the importance of sunscreen! I have treated myself to a few spray tan sessions since spring break to keep a little color though.
  • Ice cream or Slush: I love ice cream…especially mint chocolate chip.
  • Early mornings or Late nights: I still go to bed at a decent time in the summer. Instead of 10:00, I’m usually in bed my 10:30 or 11. I usually get up 7:30-8 rather than 6 am, and that’s still earlier than the kids wake up! It’s nice staying up a bit later knowing I don’t have to set an alarm. I’d say during the school year, my answer is more “early morning,” whereas in the summer, it would be “later nights.”
  • Camping or Pool Party: We are pool people.
  • Sundress or Overalls: I definitely wear more dresses in the summer (when I’m not wearing a swimsuit/cover up or workout clothes…haha). That being said, I just ordered a romper and will let you know how that turns out!
  • Water balloons or Slip n Slide: Oh…I remember having so much fun with Slip n Slides when I was a kid. The summer of 2020 when we were home more, the neighbors ordered one, and the kids had so much fun.
  • Sun tan or swimming: I’m all about the sun tan. If I’m at the pool, 9 times out of 10, I’m just sunning in the lounge chair (I wear sunscreen and a hat!) talking to the other moms or reading. I usually try to find a lounger with an umbrella nearby, but I do get in the pool when I get hot. I’m not much of a swimmer though.

So far, the temps have been really nice, but I’m sure the “dog days of summer” will be here soon.

What are some of your answers? I will post this to Instagram. Let me know what you think!

Posted in Holidays, This and That

This or That: Holiday Edition

Hello! I hope your week is off to a great start.

Y’all know that I love a good This or That post…

…so today I’m sharing this one (and my answers) that I found on Pinterest.

T or T Holiday Edition:

  • Real tree or fake tree: When we first got married, we bought a tree that lasted for years. Then, we purchased another artificial one and didn’t have great luck. So, for about six years now, we’ve picked out a tree at our favorite place.

That being said, you know I love my two pencil trees from Michael’s. They stay up November-January.

  • White lights or colored lights: I think one year we had colored lights on our tree (probably a request from the kids), but otherwise I do prefer white lights.
  • Matching pjs or matching Santa hats: Well, I don’t know about matching, but I’m all about Christmas/winter pjs for myself. The kids have kind of “out grown” that phase, but I still always buy them Christmas (plaid) pjs for their November birthday. I miss the days of little ones in cute Christmas pjs though.
  • Angel topper or star topper: Neither…and for no real reason other than we never had either, and one year I purchased a big bow that we’ve continued to use through the years.
  • Santa leaves wrapped or unwrapped gifts: I grew up with Santa leaving unwrapped gifts, and that’s what we do. I remember when Travis and I first had this conversation once we had kids. I didn’t realize Santa would ever think to wrap presents. haha
  • Gingerbread houses or Christmas cookies: both. One evening, we usually decorate gingerbread houses. Honestly, I wouldn’t be upset if we didn’t do this, but Hadley, especially, loves this tradition. Now, the kids are old enough to do this themselves. Also, we bake cookies the week before Christmas. I find that we really don’t have time before break, so I just wait, and we usually bake the first day we are out of school.

Home Alone or Elf: Home Alone all the way. It’s one of my favorite holiday movies!

I’ll share this on Instagram. I’d love to know your answers!

Twelve more sleeps. I can’t believe it.

Posted in Holidays, This and That

Happy Halloween

Hello and Happy Monday!

What’s scarier than a Halloween on a Monday?! Yikes!

Today’s post is all about Halloween fun with these two graphics I found on Pinterest (c/o @acaracollective). I’ll share them on Insta today. Let me know your answers!

Halloween Favorites

  • Candy: It’s hard for me to resist chocolate…especially a small Snickers or Butterfinger.
  • Movie: We always try to watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. While it’s not a movie, it’s a favorite. On Fall Break, we watched The Addams Family which was fun.
  • Costume: I’ve shared before that my favorite costumes the kids chose were when they were Batman and Robin. So cute.
  • Activity: Our favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch. For quite a few years, we’d go to Transylvania University here in Lex to see all the pumpkins lit up. Covid changed that, and then we haven’t been able to make it there the past couple of years.
  • Character: I don’t know that a ghost is a “character,” but he’s cute!
  • Tradition: I love our pumpkin carving tradition.

This or That:

  • Trick or Treat: Definitely treats…no tricks!
  • Not so spooky movies or scary movies: I guess I’m a scaredy cat…I prefer not so spooky movies.
  • Apple cider or PSL: I used to love PSL, but now I prefer a lighter version. Apple cider is good, but I prefer it hot.
  • Pumpkin patches or haunted houses: Pumpkin patches all the way!
  • Buy a costume or make a costume: Buy a costume, for sure. Thank goodness for Amazon. I do remember my mom making a few of our costumes when I was a kid. Then again, Amazon didn’t exist!
  • Craft or carve a pumpkin: We love to carve pumpkins.
  • Trick or treat or pass out candy: Well, sadly, I’m back to the passing out candy phase. I do love seeing little kids in their costumes though. I just feel like walking around with my kids went by in a blink.
  • Chic decor or spooky decor: I prefer chic (cozy) decor to spooky. My kids wish I’d make our outside more spooky, I’m sure.
  • Candied apples or caramel apples: Caramel apples are so good…but too much work to eat. I love caramel apple suckers.
  • 13 nights of Halloween marathon or your own movies marathon: Make your own movie marathon, for sure. I wish we had more time for movie watching.
  • Early night or late night: Early night is my preference. Trick-or-treating is from 6-8 and on a school night…so hopefully we’ll all be in bed at a decent hour.

I guess since the kids are full on middle schoolers, our Halloweens definitely look different now {sad face}

I hope everyone has a great Halloween!

Posted in This and That

This or That: Fall Edition

Hello! It’s been a minute since I’ve done a This or That post, and when I saw this one on Insta (courtesy of @booktalketc), I thought it would be a fun one to share.

  • Falling rain or crackling fireplace: both? Both are the coziest options, but if I had to choose, I would go with falling rain for fall and save the fireplace for winter!
  • Spooky Fall or Cozy Fall: I always want September to be cozy even though it’s still so hot. October can be spooky while November start the coziness leading up to Christmas.
  • Carve or Paint Pumpkins: We always carve. I remember carving pumpkins even when I was in high school. I hope my kids let me carry on that tradition until then as well.
  • Corn Maze or Haunted House: uh…neither? If I had to choose, I’d say corn maze. I don’t want the scariness of a haunted house. My heart…and bladder can’t take it 😆
  • Pumpkin Spice or cinnamon: I think my recent Pumpkin Everything post can answer that the best! I love pumpkin spice especially when we are talking about muffins and pies! I made the Trader Joe muffins this weekend. So good.
  • Bonfire or Fireplace: No way to a bonfire. Too smoky. I love a fire in the fire place while the kids love a to roast marshmallows over the fire pit out back.
  • Black Friday or Cyber Monday: Cyber Monday. Amen. I think I went Black Friday shopping once…in 2003. I definitely had less people to buy for then, and clearly I was younger with more energy. That being said, it was solo shopping which I much prefer. Anyway, I’d say since 2009 when the kids were only a month old and I needed to buy presents for family, I started buying an online and became Cyber Monday girl.
  • Witches or Vampires: Witches are fun…vampires are too creepy for me.
  • Soup or Chili: Kind of like “falling rain” or “crackling fireplace,” I love both. That being said, I can choose soup for fall and chili for winter if needed.

Speaking of soup and chili, I’ve already made chili twice this fall.

I’ve also already made a favorite soup:

Another favorite soup is: Shay’s

It’s so good. I think the secret ingredient is the Ranch Style Beans.

I’ll re-share the graphic on Insta. Let me know your answers. I hope your week is off to a great start.

Posted in Holidays, This and That

This or That: Christmas Edition

Hello! I’ve shared a few This or That posts, and I think they are a fun, quick way to share thoughts on a topic. Shay recently shared her This or That for Christmas on Instagram, and here are my responses too!

  • Fake Tree or Real Tree: We used to have an artificial tree for years, but have gotten a real tree for the last few years. I do love having a real tree as our main tree in the living room.

…but I love having a smaller artificial tree in the sun room and our bedroom to enjoy for a bit longer than a real tree lasts.

  • White Elephant or Secret Santa: Why is it that both of these options stress me out? I swear I’m a fun person. 😆 I guess I just feel like it’s one more thing to do / gift to buy when the time comes. I do think if I had to choose, I prefer Secret Santa because at least then you give and get something you’d probably actually want.
  • Egg nog or Hot cocoa: I love egg nog in December. I’m not a big cocoa person…but Hadley sure is! Hayden prefers egg nog. Sweet story: when the kids were little, my dad started calling egg nog “Christmas milk,” and it’s stuck! Also, my kids prefer the AE brand, and we don’t get that in Lexington. So, my brother bought a few at Thanksgiving, and put them in a cooler to bring back to Lex. Then, my mom brought a few cartons when she visited last week. So, Hayden has been so happy to have some extra “Christmas milk” on hand.
  • The Grinch or Elf: ahhh! I love the Grinch story, but prefer the Elf movie.
  • Mariah Carey or Michael Buble: Well, 1997 me would have been blasting a Mariah Carey CD in my car this time of the year, but the 40+ year old me definitely loves Michael Buble.
  • Black Friday or Cyber Monday: Hands down, I’m a Cyber Monday girl. I’ve never understood why people Black Friday shop. It’s too much pressure, too hectic, and too crowded! I love to make a list and be ready to go on Cyber Monday for probably 70% of my shopping. Then, I enjoy taking my time while out and about in December to choose other gifts when I have more time to do so.
  • Christmas Day or Christmas Eve: I think I’m more of a Christmas Day person. While I love the traditions of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day has a slower pace to it and a bit more time to relax.
Christmas Eve service is a favorite
…as is Christmas dinner
  • Ugly Sweater or Matching PJs: I love pjs! It’s always fun seeing my kids in their Christmas pjs excited for Santa. I hope as they get older, they will still continue this tradition in some way.
  • Giving Gifts or Getting Gifts: I definitely enjoy giving more than receiving! It’s always fun to see someone open a gift you think they’ll like.
  • Eating treats or Baking treats: BOTH?!? I do have quite the sweet tooth, so I enjoy eating treats, but I also love baking them. The kids and I bake some cookies with family this time of the year which is fun.

So, that’s a wrap on those topics! What about you? What are your preferences?

I can’t believe we only have two more school day until break. I can’t wait to not set an alarm and have some time to actually wrap gifts, bake cookies, and have a little extra time to relax.

See you back here tomorrow for Friday Favorites.

Posted in Holidays, This and That, Tuesday Talk

Tuesday Talk: This or That Thanksgiving

Shew! That title. Try saying it five times fast 😉

Happy Tuesday! Today, I’m linking up with Erika and Ashley for this month’s Tuesday Talk.

For Tuesday Talk, we can blog about any topic we choose, and today I’m tackling Thanksgiving with a fun This or That edition!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. There’s no stress of gift buying, and the food is the best! I found this graphic on Pinterest, and I’m excited to break down these choices. So, here we go!

  • Turkey or Ham: Turkey all the way. If ham is also being served, I will grab a slice, but the turkey is the Thanksgiving food for me.
  • Lunch or Dinner: Usually somewhere in between. My extended family usually eats around 3:00 or so. Last year, when it was just my brother’s family and mine, we ate later for dinner.
  • Stuffing or Dressing: I’m not really a fan of either, but last year, I made sausage dressing for the first time, and it was really good.
  • Dress Up or Dress Down: Usually we dress up, but it’s not anything too fancy. I ask Hayden to wear something besides Nike shorts, and Hadley will oblige with something besides a sweatshirt. When the kids were little, I definitely had them wear something festive when they’d let me.
  • Mashed Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes: I’m definitely a mashed potatoes kind of girl. But…guess what?! I don’t like gravy.
  • Football or Movies: Parade?! First, I watch the parade in the morning and then football does tend to be on in the background the rest of the day.
  • Black Friday or Cyber Monday: Hands down, my answer would be Cyber Monday. I don’t think I’ve ever shopped on Black Friday, and I don’t think I ever will. I usually take the weekend after Thanksgiving to start making lists of what to buy, and then I do try to shop as many sales as possible on Cyber Monday.
  • Pumpkin Pie or Pecan Pie: Pumpkin pie is my fave.

How would you answer these? I will post the graphic in my Insta Stories, so if you share your answers, feel free to tag me!

Only a little over a week until turkey day!