Posted in Currently


Hello and happy Wednesday.

We’re already a week into March, and Jennifer is hosting her monthly Currently link up.

Here’s what I’m currently:


All my bunny decor for Easter. I guess bunnies are to my spring decor as pumpkins are to my fall decor. How many bunnies are too many?

These colorful wooden bunnies brighten up my entryway table.

These flocked bunnies from Walmart are another favorite. I remember that they were all the rage last year, and I missed out. This year, I bought one pink, one cream, and two mint colored ones. These are the 9 inch ones, and they are less than $5 each!

I ordered them, and they were delivered the same day! Walmart continues to spoil me.

(Walmart also has 16 inch ones too!)

My Kroger had these light up bunnies marked down. They came in blue, pink, purple, and white. I picked up a blue one…and once I got home, I realized the batteries weren’t included. This guy needed three of those small round batteries…now I see why he was marked down.

Oh well, it’s the perfect touch for my kitchen island tray.

Looking forward to:

Well, my first thought was spring break!

But…I’m also looking forward to “springing forward” this weekend. I’m ready for the extra daylight.

I did my Easter decor inside, but this weekend I look forward to putting a few Easter touches outside. I’m sure it will look the same as last year…


I promise I’m not skipping St. Patrick’s Day. Soon, it will be time to plan St. Patty’s Day dinner.

I need to start planning a few Easter basket ideas. Just yesterday, Jen Reed shared these exfoliating facial sponges that I think Hadley will like (me too!).

I always get Hayden a pair of Vineyard Vines swim trunks. I always buy a pair at the end of summer sale that I hold on to for either Christmas or Easter. So, I’ve been holding on to a pair for quite a few months. He still wears the boys XL size. Crazy, but true.

I know I don’t need to go overboard, but I’ve always used Easter baskets as a way to give them a few things for the summer. That being said, it’s not the same as when they were little. I would buy them swim goggles, bubbles, and sunglasses.

Travis and I also need to start planning a bit more of our spring break.


Whether the temps have been in the 40’s or low 70’s, I’ve been wearing this jacket to school, to run errands, or to volleyball and basketball games.

I purchased this set last fall, and I didn’t wear it as much in the winter. Now, I’ve been wearing it quite a bit again. It’s perfect for mild temps.

Again, even with the more mild weather, I’ve still been trying to wear as many sweaters as possible. Once April hits, I will be back to wearing dresses until the end of the school year.



I discovered the “Cool Ranch” wrap from Chick-fil-A.

I made a Pizza Pasta Bake that was a family favorite…

…as was this stir fry recipe.


This week we had this Chicken and Rice Casserole….Travis and I liked it…and the kids thought it was ok.

Monday night, after Hayden’s basketball game, we ate out on a whim. I think the kids didn’t want leftover casserole!

This week, we’re also going to have either Cheeseburger soup or Crockpot Crack Chicken sandwiches and waffle fries. Whatever we don’t have tonight/tomorrow, we’ll have on Sunday.

Side note – I’m always so happy when I “over plan” our weekly meals…because if we don’t make something during the week, then I already know what I can make for Sunday dinner!

Anyway, that’s what I’m currently up to! What about you?

{This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. Thanks for supporting my blog.}

Posted in Currently



How is your week going? Mine is off to a good start…but guess what I did yesterday…for probably only the second time in 22 years of getting up for school…I forgot to set my alarm!

I have a daily alarm set for 7:15 to start fussing at the kids if they aren’t awake, and that’s what woke me up because I guess I forgot to set my 6:00 alarm.

You know how I love my morning quiet time…and I swear that my whole day was thrown off yesterday because I had to hit the ground running.

Anyway, today I’m linking up with Jennifer for this month’s Currently post.

Here’s what I am currently:


I’ve been loving a few self-care things I’ve been using recently including the Jergens essential oil sticks (Sleep and Awaken) as well as collagen eye gels:

Sunny days have been just what I’ve needed. I love a couple of months of winter, but I didn’t realize how much I needed to see the sunshine until our temps warmed up and we’ve had a string of sunny days.

Looking forward to:

It might sound crazy, but I’m looking forward to a weekend full of activities. While one weekend without activities was fine, I’m excited to watch Hadley get back on the volleyball court this weekend.

It’s also cotillion weekend. This weekend is the third of four dances. It’s a more casual theme: Hawaiian:Malibu Mingle.

I’m looking forward to seeing the kids dressed up again.

Also, we’re definitely looking forward to cheering on the Chiefs this Sunday while watching the Super Bowl!

I don’t want to jinx it by typing this out, but of course we’re hoping for a win.

Also, I always look forward to a three day weekend, and Presidents’ Day is circled on the calendar. There’s no better feeling than no school on a Monday!

Doing to be romantic:

While it’s not the most romantic thing, I’ve already purchased Trav’s Valentine’s Day card. We typically go to dinner at some point around Valentine’s Day. We’ll see what we have time to do.

Also, sometimes we feel like our schedule is all about the kids. I’d like to make a point to maybe go on a breakfast date once a month…or hit up a coffee shop. Amy shared a reel with me about Lexington coffee shops, and I haven’t been to any of them. So, my goal in February is to find time to go to one of those with Travis.


We’ve been changing up Hadley’s room, and it looks amazing. The wallpaper came in last week, and my friend helped me put it up this past weekend while Hadley was gone. Really, she did all the work! I’m just waiting on one more thing to arrive for her wall, and we are finished for now.

She definitely has a teenage room ready for high school!


…Valentine’s Day next week. Again, we don’t do much to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but I always buy Trav and the kids a box of chocolates. I usually get the kids a couple of things and Travis and I exchange cards.

I’m not sure what I’m getting Hayden…besides another Gatorade bottle because he lost yet another one…but let me know if you have any ideas for teen boys.,

For Hadley, she really wanted Lego flowers for her room, so I got her those to put in a vase along with a new Stanley…because apparently, my kids can’t keep up with water bottles.

This year, with Valentine’s Day on a Wednesday, both kids have activities that evening. I still might try to fix some of their favorites for dinner which has been a tradition the past couple of years.

What about you? What are you currently loving, looking forward to, doing to be romantic, changing, and celebrating?

{This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. Thanks for supporting my blog.}

Posted in Currently



Well, it’s back to school I go, but first…

I’m linking up with Jennifer for this month’s Currently post. Today, I’m sharing what I’m currently loving, resolving, looking forward to, doing to stay cozy this winter, and cooking.


I’m really loving my Christmas gifts.

I asked for these Air Maxes because I wanted an updated neutral tennis shoe. Hadley and I were out shopping in early December, and I tried them on. I figured they’d be an easy suggestion for a gift from Travis.

I’ve worn them quite a few times already, and they are very comfy.

Last year, Hadley helped Travis picked out some perfumes for me. Well, these three lasted me exactly a year, so I asked for them again!

This clip on tray was a suggestion I gave my mother-in-law when she asked for gift ideas.

It clips right on to the couch, and is the perfect spot for my beverage, phone, the tv remote, etc.

I actually asked for it to use at the other end of the couch that doesn’t have a side table, but old habits die hard. I like this end of the couch.


I don’t really do resolutions, but I do appreciate the start of a new year and getting back on track with all the things.

For the second year in a row on NYE, we chose, at random, three words for the year…and this year my “focus” words are: faith, forgiveness, and growth.

Like the past couple of years, I’m resolving to read 40 books. In 2022, I read 41, and last year I read 38, so 40ish seems like a good goal.

Looking forward to:

…a calmer January!…and my birthday is right around the corner.

Doing to stay cozy this winter:

The Christmas decor is put away (except for our tree – I will get to that this weekend). I did decide to leave up a few winter decorations mostly because I still want the pretty glow of lights. At least for January, I’m leaving up my two Walmart trees and the little village that I got from Kirklands this year.

A blanket is another perfect way to stay cozy this winter.


The past couple of weeks have been a hodge podge of eating whatever we have on hand, eating leftovers, or eating out…

The first thing I did to start the new year was pick up a Kroger order!

Our dinner on January 1st was a new recipe…from TikTok! haha

I’ve saved a few recipes, and tried this Stuffed Manicotti recipe. It was good.

We had chili last night for dinner, and then we’re having leftovers tonight. I’m going to round out the week trying another new recipe: Million Dollar Chicken Rice-a-Roni Casserole for dinner tomorrow.

What’s something you are currently loving, resolving, looking forward to, doing to stay cozy this winter, or cooking?

Posted in Currently


Hello! I hope you are having a great week.

I haven’t written a Currently post in a while, so I’m linking up today with Jennifer to share what I’m currently loving, buying, preparing, excited for, and planning.


I always love seasonal things at Trader Joe’s. My “tried and true” faves include the Step Up to the Bar mix, Jingle Jangle, and the Gingerbread People. A new find and fave is the Candy Cane Body Butter.

I always love a quiet morning, but I’m enjoying seasonal candles and the glow of my Christmas trees.

A new love is the iced Gingerbread Latte from Starbucks.


I’ve been buying Christmas gifts…but I think I’m about finished. Travis is the one I really need to focus on, but I did come up with a few ideas for him.

I also had to buy science project boards. The kids’ projects are due on Friday. I’m secretly celebrating that these projects are the last ones they will do. Of course, science is important, and I hate that I dread navigating these projects with them, but the due dates are always awful right before break (and theirs are due even earlier this year!) Why can’t some of this be completed at school…and why not in January when life is a little less hectic?!

I returned a couple of things to Kirkands, but then couldn’t resist buying these little LED houses (#girlmath) They were on sale for only $8 for the pack of three. I got the trees too! Once you turn them on, they stay on for six hours and then turn back on 24 hours later. They’ve been the perfect little touch.


I’m preparing for a busy couple of weeks before school gets out. Then, I hope to have some down time/rest over break.

In the next couple of weeks, we still have cross country and volleyball, as well as cotillion, a couple of Christmas parties and two more weeks of school.

Excited for:

I’m excited for some holiday things like movies and baking cookies. We finished up Angel Tree shopping, and I signed us up to do Operation Secret Santa once school gets out.

I’m also excited for traditions like Southern Lights at the Horse Park.


I’m just making note and planning for some of those holiday things including cookies baking.

This year I also made a note on my December calendar to remind myself that I wanted to try and make Christmas Cornflake Wreaths. I’ve never made them, but every year when I have one, I always love them.

(pic c/co

I’m also planning Christmas breakfast which will definitely include our new favorite obsession…

This mix is sooo good. I’ve made it a few times now, and it never lasts longer than a few hours in our house.

So those are a few things that I’m loving, buying, preparing, excited for, and planning.

What about you?

Posted in Currently



How was your 4th of July? We had a good one, but it was different…I’ll explain more below…

I haven’t written a Currently post in quite some time, so today I’m linking up with Jennifer to share what I’m currently loving, savoring, celebrating, remembering, and trying.


I shared this body wash from Trader Joe’s a few weeks ago, and Hadley and I are loving it. I’m bummed that I missed out on the body butter, and Hadley recently said, “Mom, what are we going to do when we run out this body wash?!” It’s that good.

Ok….I jumped on the Stanley bandwagon. When I saw that Target (online) had a few new colors, including this pretty shade of violet “wisteria“, I decided to reward myself for completing my two weeks of summer school…haha.

Travis and Hayden have been making fun of me, but I know Hadley will love it when she sees it. It arrived Monday, and I’ve already drank at least 80 oz of water the past two days!

The shipping was free, and I had a few Target Circle earnings to use too.


Slow mornings. (when we have them)

I’m telling you, I’m just as tired now as I was at the end of May…which isn’t a good sign. haha

June was extra busy with kids’ activities, camps, two weeks of summer school and more. This week and next should provide less alarm clock setting which is very much needed. I still get up before everyone like I do during the school year if we are having to get up somewhat early. It’s nice when we hit a day with nothing on the agenda, but those have been few and far between.

I’ve also been savoring 1:1 time with each kid. Hayden was in South Carolina with his friend’s family for a week, but Hadley left for camp the morning that he got home.

So, we had a week with just Hadley and then five days with just Hayden. By the time Hadley gets home, they won’t have seen each other for about two weeks!

Hayden ran the Bluegrass 10k yesterday morning (more on that in a second), and then we went out to breakfast. He crushed biscuits, gravy, bacon, donuts, water, and chocolate milk!


The 4th of July!

Seriously, this summer could be alternately titled: The summer we didn’t sleep in.

We aren’t always in town for the 4th of July, but there were years that Travis ran this race. It’s always fun seeing other runners, and we always bump into people we know.

Last week, Hayden decided he wanted to run. Y’all know he’s a runner, and he’s done 6-7 mile training runs, but never a 10k race. Anyway, we were up at 5:45 to leave around 6:30 because the race started at 7:30. We met up with Trav’s brother who was also running, and then Hayden went with him to warm up and start the race. Travis brought his bike and met up with Hayden at various points to check in on him. I stood at mile 3 which was also mile 5 to cheer for Hayden before heading to the finish line.

Hayden was hot and sweaty (as you would expect), but he was happy with his performance of just under 7 minute mile pace and where he placed in his 13-17 age group.

After the race, we chatted with others for a few minutes before heading to eat breakfast. The rest of the day, we hung out a bit. Travis and I ran some errands, including a run to Walmart and Lowes. Hayden took an ice bath! Travis power washed the back patio, and I took a way longer nap than I meant to.

We grilled out for dinner before catching fireworks once the sun went down.

I’m also celebrating Hadley coming home from camp tonight.

She’s been at a camp in Missouri with a group from her school. This isn’t the camp she usually goes to, so it’s been different putting my kid on a bus (with all her friends and camp leaders) to drive 9 hours away! From the photos and videos I’ve seen this week, she’s had a blast.

Hadley could 100% go to camp for two months and be so happy!

She doesn’t get home until really late, but I look forward to having us all home at once for a bit.

Soon, we are also celebrating Trav’s brithday…It’s a “big” one.


Past 4th of Julys…

The 4th has always been one of my favorite holidays. This was the second time that Hadley’s been at camp on the 4th, and that’s not my preference. I like having the day at home to celebrate, go to the pool and watch fireworks. I guess the days are pretty much gone of them dressing in red, white, and blue (at least in an over the top way), but I still wish camp didn’t fall over the holiday.

This time last year, we were in Mexico! That’s hard to believe.


A new Bodi (Beachbody) workout.

I’ve done Muscle Burns Fat with Megan Davies, and she’s one of my favorite trainers. Her new program, Sure Thing, was released recently. I’ve finished week 1 of 8, and so far I really love it.

What’s something you are loving, savoring, celebrating, remembering or trying?

I hope you have a great day!

Posted in Books and Shows, Currently


Hello! Well, all good things must come to an end…like this three day weekend. It’s back to school we go.

In December, I try to watch as many Christmas movies as possible. Now that it’s January, and I have a bit more time, I’m trying to get caught up on some of my favorite shows. So, here’s what I’m Currently watching…

On Hulu:

I love Abbott Elementary and am usually pretty caught up on it. Travis chuckles at it if I have it on when he’s around. Last week, a few of the actors were on a special edition of Wheel of Fortune (another fave!) which was extra fun to watch.

Abbott Elementary hits close to home with this public school educator! haha

I love The Rookie. Sometimes, Hayden watches it with me too. I’m a big Nathan Fillion fan…loved Castle when he was on it. Anyway, it’s another good one, but I’m usually a couple of episodes behind.

As a family, we still love The Goldbergs. This season is different with Murray off the show (and the death of Pops), but I love Beverly Goldberg and the rest of the cast. It’s a good one!

This is the second season of NCIS Hawai’i, and I really enjoy this show. Like with The Rookie, I get behind on the hour long shows, and try to get caught up in January and February. Also like The Rookie, I really like this entire cast!

And…I’m always have one (or more!) of the Real Housewives franchises to binge when I have time. I’m behind on Salt Lake City (and they aren’t really my fave anyway), but stay pretty up to date on Potomac.

On Netflix:

We don’t binge much, but Travis and I binged all of the Harry and Meghan docuseries. It was interesting…but I’m still “team Will and Kate.” At this point, I’m wondering if there’s an interview Harry won’t do. That being said, you know I’ll buy his book. haha

Have you seen this meme? I sent it to my *younger* brother. lol

If you want something quick and light-hearted, I always enjoy the season of Dream Home Makeover. There isn’t a single design of Shea’s that I haven’t loved.

I’m still chipping away at The Crown. The new cast has taken some getting used to, but I’m loving this season with Diana.

I’ve watched a few episodes of Wednesday, and really love it. Hadley and friends have seen all the episodes.

I also really like Buying Beverly Hills with Mauricio and Farrah from Real Housewives Beverly Hills franchise. Honestly, I just like looking at the houses more than anything.

Ready to Watch:

Dead to Me is back for the final season, and I definitely want to watch it.

I heard Kaleidoscope is good, so I’ve saved it and Break Point, a docuseries about professional tennis players, to my Netflix list.

As you can see, I have quite a few shows that I’ve started but haven’t finished yet. If I know I have a bit more time to watch over a few months (like right now and in the summer), I make a list and go from there. For example, I don’t think I will start the above three titles until I finish ones I’ve started like The Crown and Wednesday. Sometimes, I end up jumping around with what I watch, and I’d like to finish some series before starting others.

That being said, what should I add to my list ? haha!

Posted in Currently, Not Just a Mom

Not Just a Mom

Hello and happy Monday!

I can’t believe it, but it’s our last Not Just a Mom link up of 2022!

This year we covered …

This month’s topic is: loving lately

For this post, I’m sharing the first 5 things that popped in my mind that I’m loving.

You can’t beat Antique Candle Co candles, and during this season, I’m loving the ones I bought on Black Friday.

  • Spiced Cranberry
  • Winter Woods
  • Christmas Day
  • I also have Tree Farm that I bought during a previous sale.

I think Christmas Day is my fave.

I often have the Food Network channel on but especially during the Christmas season. I love Christmas Cookie Challenge. A Lexington cookie decorator was on last night, and I can’t wait to watch that episode.

You know I love the Royal family, so of course I’m watching the Harry and Meghan special on Netflix. I’ve always loved Will and Kate, but I like Harry too! Travis even wanted to watch this with me, and we watched two episodes this weekend. We just need to watch the third one soon.

I have two new social media influencers that I follow on Instagram, and they both make me laugh out loud.

@educator_Andrea and @hayderz have some of my favorite stories to watch. Andrea is a high school English teacher in California, and she is so funny. She makes a lot of reels talking about the differences between teachers/students in elementary, middle, and high. So much of what she shares and creates is spot on with education in America.

Hayden has some hilarious reels too, and many of them are satirical and sarcastic. He always says, “Good night” or “Good morning to…” and it’s always something/someone funny.

Anyway, they are both bright spots on the ‘gram.

I’ve been loving the glow of the Christmas tree in the morning, evening, and dreary days we’ve been having lately. The sun finally came out yesterday afternoon, and I think that was the first time in a week I’ve seen the sun. I love the coziness of the Christmas lights…especially in the morning when the house is quiet, and I’m enjoying my coffee.

My dress arrived from Shop Style Your Senses, and I love it. I wore it to Trav’s work Christmas party on Saturday night with my favorite dressy wedges. (I got them years ago from Nordstrom Rack.) I believe that it’s sold out in black, but I’m kicking myself that I didn’t order it in the wine color. I got it in size large, and it fits just right.

I wore it to church yesterday with my leopard flats.

So those are a few things that I’m currently loving. What about you? What’s on your currently loving list?

One more things to love! I love that I’ll be back each month in 2023 with these ladies again.

If you have blog, we’d love for you to join us on the second Monday of each month starting with January’s topic: an introduction of yourself and your blog. I usually start the year off saying “hi” and getting reacquainted with reader, and I love (and appreciate) that I have new readers throughout the year.

Please save our graphics and join us!

Well, we have five days this week, and then it will officially be break! Can’t wait.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
Posted in Currently



Shew! I’m not sure which day is more crazy at school: Halloween or November 1st when the kids are all hyped up on candy!

Anyway, I’m excited to link up with Jennifer as she has recently taken over the Currently link up.

This month’s focus is Currently: borrowing, buying, planning, prepping, and reading.


Library books! I haven’t started one of these Christmas books, but I hope to soon!


Well, I did hold off until a couple of days before, but I have been buying Halloween candy!

Now, it’s time to start buying birthday gifts for the kids.

I also jumped on the On Cloud train. I realized I hadn’t purchased new workout shoes since Spring of 2020. Travis actually had a gift card to an local place, so we went there on Sunday. He’s picky about this tennis shoes and mostly wears Hokas, but he’s loved his new On Clouds. The pair I found were on sale which was an added bonus!


…the kids birthday party! In only a few weeks these 12 year olds…

…will be teenagers!

I think the plan is to go to Activate Games for fun, pizza for dinner, and cookie cake for dessert one day soon.


I’m trying to prep for a busy November and December.

I’m starting to make “to do” lists for their birthday party as well as making lists for birthday and Christmas gifts. I think I’ve taken care of our Christmas card, want to start changing out the fall decorations for Christmas decorations, and more. I don’t think we’ll have another free weekend (like we had this past weekend) until 2023. Honestly, sometimes that feels very overwhelming to me, but I’m just taking it day by day when needed.

We’re kicking off November with Breeder’s Cup this weekend.

Here are a few pics from the last time Breeder’s Cup was in Lexington in 2015! We can’t wait to see so many of our friends and spend the day at the races.


I just started The Things We Cannot Say, and so far, I think it’s really good.

For the first time ever, I didn’t finish a book on my Kindle before the library took it back! Ugh. I’ve placed a hold for The It Girl, and hope to pick up where I left off whenever it’s my turn again. I’m really hoping it’s not 6 weeks from now like the library predicts.

Also, I hope to read one, if not both, of the Christmas books I picked up last week.

What about you? What are you currently borrowing, buying, prepping, planning, or reading?

Posted in Currently


Hello! Well, it’s been a minute since I’ve shared a Currently post. I just thought this would be a fun way to share are few things I’ve been doing…

I’m currently…


I’ve mostly been reading on my Kindle lately, and am about 70% finished with The Younger Wife. I really enjoy Sally Hepworth’s books, and wanted to read this one when it came out. It wasn’t on Kindle yet, and just a couple of weeks ago, I decided to look again on the Libby app…and there it was.

Anyway, I’ve really enjoyed it so far!


I’m hoping to decorate for fall later this week or over the weekend, but on Monday night, I decided to pull out my favorite light up pumpkin. I have one for the bedroom, and then one for the living room. I love the glow of the pumpkin during the dark hours of the morning while I sip my coffee.

{Peep my Pumpkin Spice candle from Antique Candle Co!)


It’s Homecoming week this week which has made getting dressed for school easier than usual! We actually started last Friday with pj day, and I’ve never been to school so early. haha

Yesterday was “Tropical Tuesday.” We still have Wear Pink Wednesday, favorite sports team on Thursday, and then class color/school color day on Friday.


a new Dime product…I still consistently use Dime products daily.

Since Dime Beauty was having a 25% off sale to celebrate their anniversary, I decided to order this new (to me) product: the cleansing balm.

OMG…it’s like having silk on your face. This product melts away the make up you have on, and hydrates your skin. I’ve been using this most nights right before I get in the shower, and then I gently wash my face with warm water. I haven’t yet tried it as an overnight mask, but I definitely plan on doing so!


Well, I finally finished all four seasons of Drive to Survive, and I really enjoyed it. I’ve even caught the last two actual F1 races on tv the past two Sundays. #whoamIeven?! It’s all still really interesting to me, and I’m even more invested now that I know all the drivers.

With the new seasons of Goldbergs and NCIS Hawai’i starting later this month, I’m trying to get caught up on last year’s seasons.


I’m anticipating the arrival of our new couch. We’re either really dumb or …well, we’re probably dumb…but we are getting a new couch due to all of Homer’s dog hair on our fabric couch. Thankfully, he’s a white dog, so the hair blended in, but we just can’t keep up with it.

Also, with our previous couch, we definitely “got what we paid for…” and it just didn’t hold up to the wear and tear of our family. After only a few months, one back cushion ripped by the zipper, and then I HATE when cloth furniture gets those little fuzz balls, and our couch had lots of those.

You’d think we’d train Homer to stay off the couch…haha…and honestly, we try. Now he’s “responsible” enough to stay out during the day, so of course, there’s no one home to shoo him off the couch.

We took advantage of a Labor Day sale, and our new couch is getting delivered today. I had fully expected to not have a couch delivered until 2023! (If you are local, Burke Furniture was amazing!)

Also, I put our other couch on Facebook Marketplace for free, and it “sold” in a matter of minutes with multiple messages!

I can’t wait to get home this afternoon, and see how it looks!

What are you currently up to? Besides the above, I feel like I’m currently just trying to survive this week!

Have a great day!

Posted in Currently

Currently Loving

Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve done a “Currently” post, today I’m sharing a few things that I’m currently loving.


Peonies are the flower of the summer. I probably spend too much on these, but when Trader Joe’s has them…usually only in June, it’s hard for me to resist!

Food / Drink:

I’ve seen a few people share this salad, and I recently tried it…and couldn’t love it more.

I usually eat half the salad one day and the other half the next day. Often times, I will add some chicken to it to get in some extra protein. It’s so good.

The Truly Margarita pack has been my favorite drinks of the summer.

Strawberry and Classic Lime are my favorite. The Mango Chili really does have a bit of a kick to it.

Products and Polish:

I’m still loving the Dime Beauty products. The best thing about summer is wearing limited makeup, and often times I just have these products on my face day and night.

For my latest pedicure, I chose a new (to me) color: Mexico City Move-mint. Hadley gave me her approval, so it must be “on trend!”

Clothing Item:

This cover up is one of my favorite latest Amazon purchases. It comes in many colors and patterns as well and short sleeve and sleeveless options. I love the style of it, and it’s perfect for the pool or beach.

Affiliate link


I was so excited to read Emily Giffin’s new book Meant to Be. It’s lived up to the “hype” in my opinion; I read it in two days!

What are some things you are loving this summer? I’d love to know.