Posted in Books and Shows, Not Just a Mom

Not Just a Mom: Reading Habits

Hello and Happy Monday! How was your weekend? We had a super low key Friday night and woke up to 4 inches of snow on Saturday. Thankfully, our Saturday activities were pretty light which gave me time to run some errands and finish my book. I hate springing forward although I know the benefit is that it will be lighter outside longer. I think I just feel like I have so few hours to accomplish things and now I lost one! Oh well…

Today, I’m hosting this month’s Not Just a Mom post with my fellow blogging friends:

So far this year, we’ve discussed:

This month, we are sharing about reading habits.

So far this year, I’ve read:

Some of my reading habits are:


I keep a list of books I want to read. I used to use the Notes app on my phone, but I’ve been using the Goodreads app for over a year, and I really enjoy it! I have different bookshelves (chick lit, mystery, bio/auto bio, etc.) to keep my book list organized.


I always have a stack of books to read and at least one book on my Kindle. What if I start reading a book and don’t like it? I want to have a back up book just in case. Also, I keep my Kindle in my purse, so I like to have a book on the Kindle as an option to read while waiting on kids’ practices to finish or any other spare time I may have.


I try to have a cozy atmosphere when read if possible. I will light a candle, grab a blanket, and sip my coffee or glass of wine while reading.


I try to read for a bit every single day. It’s honesty pretty rare for me to have a solid chunk of time to read; that seems to only happen in the summer while at the pool…

…or on vacation.

I at least try to read a bit before bed; sometimes I drift to sleep in only a few minutes, but at least I tried!

On Saturday, I carved out 30 minutes because I knew I wanted to finish my book. I love when I’m able to do that.


I keep track of what I read and set a goal for the year. I always had an idea of how many books I wanted to read in a year, but 2021 was the first year I set a Goodreads goal of 40 books.

I never want reading to feel like a chore, but it’s nice to have a goal in mind. That being said, I’m “behind” for 2022, and I’ve never been behind in reading. Hopefully, I can make up for it over Spring Break, and I know I always read more in the summer.

Reading Habits:

I grew up with two parents who read a lot. My dad always had a stack of books on the side table by his recliner. My mom, a former English teacher, always took us to the library, and of course she loves reading too. {After she retired from teaching, she worked at the public library for ten years!)

When my kids were little, I loved taking them to the library. We’d go at least once a week for story time, and every summer we did the Summer Reading Program at the library. They were always so excited to get the book they earned at the end of the summer.

Once the kids started elementary school, they loved bringing home books from the school library as well.

Hayden has always been my avid reader, and Hadley has to be reminded to read. They’ve enjoyed so many wonderful series like the “Who was” books, Diary of Wimpy Kids, Magic Tree House, Babysitter’s Club, and so many more. Hadley loved graphic novels. (I think they were perfect for her attention span.)

Until middle school, Hayden would read every night. He still loves to read, but now he has homework to juggle or activities that go later into the evening, so he doesn’t read every night.

Last summer, they both read books from the 6th grade reading list because they knew they’d need to start the year earning AR (Accelerated Reader) points. They have to have 20 AR points each quarter. (After reading a book, they take a test to earn the points.)

I hope my reading habits are rubbing off on my kids and that they look back with fond memories of all the great books they read in their childhood.

For the love of reading…

What are some of your reading habits? Do your kids like to read?

We hope you’ll join us next month when we talk about “what’s for lunch.”

Well, this week, the weather is going to feel more like spring, and we only have a four day school week! Yippee!

Thanks so much for reading,

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14 thoughts on “Not Just a Mom: Reading Habits

  1. I have always loved to read! I felt so thankful that my kids loved books. We went to several different libraries and bookstores in the summers and on weekends. I remember that I would usually take them to a playground and read one of my new books while they played after we left the library.
    Now, it seems like I mainly read on weekend mornings. I can’t wait to use that extra hour to read outside after dinner.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My kids love being read to but don’t like having to read. My oldest hates reading and I think it has to do with being forced to read 20 minutes a night to get it signed off for school.


  3. I love that your kids love to read too! So do mine thank goodness. Even Liam, who just “reads” books he has memorized since we’ve read them so many times. 🙂 What is your goodreads email? I’ll try to look you up! “Try” being the operative word there– hah!


  4. I have one that devours books, one that makes his way through books slowly and prefers graphic novels (though is currently reading the whole hobbit/lord of the rings series by choice!), and one that can not stand to read and only reads the requirements from his classes. I have always loved to read and have huge stacks of books everywhere– including on my Kindle!


  5. Sadly, not much of a reader. Yes, very sad. And I don’t think I did a great job at inspiring my children to read. We spent a lot of time at the library and reading aloud as a family (before bed, etc) when they were little – but, as adults, neither of them are huge readers either. #parentingfail

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  6. I’m so glad my kids have picked up my reading habit. I think it would be hard to have kids who don’t like to read. My daughter LOVES graphic novels and I can’t wait until she gets more into chapter books because she reads the others so quickly that she’s always looking for new books.

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