Posted in Let's look

Let’s Look: Your Weekend

Hello and Happy Wednesday. It’s the second Wednesday of the month, so it’s time for Shay and Erika’s fun Let’s Look link up. This month’s topic is Let’s Look at Your Weekend. I remember when I wrote my April Let’s Look post about Easter at My House, I wondered if, in May, weekends would still look like the week days….And…I guess they do…(minus the distance learning!).

An average Friday in the spring would have me running a couple of errands after school, going out to eat for dinner (or getting carryout), enjoying a glass of wine, and settling in for the weekend.

Most Saturdays would include neighbor kids playing, a baseball game or two…

dance for Hadley…

Meal planning and placing a Clicklist order for the week’s groceries…

followed by dinner out and some time on our patio…and maybe even hanging out with our neighbors. #Imissmyneighbors

Sunday would start with church, followed by grocery pickup, household chores and laundry…

and if time allowed, (and no baseball games) a trip to the pool (in late May-early September)

After the pool, we’d come home for dinner, showers, and prepping for the week ahead.

Weekends during social distancing/quarantine include some of the same. Of course, kids’ activities are put on hold, and I don’t run errands like I used to…but…

My people still need to eat, and thankfully Clicklist seems to now be at a reasonable turn around time! We are supporting local restaurants and picking up carry out, rather than eating there, on Friday and Saturday evenings.

While it’s not the same, Hayden and Travis play ball in the backyard while Hadley takes a few online dance classes a week.

Now, I have more time to watch some of the shows that have been on my list to watch like Little Fires Everywhere as well as other shows on Netflix, Hulu, and Apple TV.

I have a bit more time to read…although, for some reason, I’ve been watching more shows recently…

We have made time for weekly (or more!) family bike rides.

I’m continuing to make an effort to workout almost daily. In some regards, I was better at working out when I had to plan every second of my day. I’m not always as successful when I think I can get the workout in at any time.

I still do better if I can knock my workout out early, and now “early” can be 7:30 rather than 5:30 am. I’ve seen some discussion on how seeing the sunshine and getting some Vitamin D in the first 30 minutes of your day can help your mood and mental health. I’ve made a goal to walk every weekday morning from now until the end of the month/school year. Monday and Tuesday mornings this week, I had over 4,500 steps before 8:00 am and then still got in my regular workout for the day.

Yes, I still love my ear buds. I’m the last person on Earth who doesn’t own air pods.

We’ve had more time for house projects such as the master bedroom refresh…

and the sunroom update 2.0 with new furniture.

And, Travis, who does love to do yard work, has had the kids helping him mulch and plant flowers. With sports on hold, the kids are very available to help him with yard work…which they are super pumped about 😉

So while our action packed weekends seem to be a thing of the past for now, we’ve definitely gotten the feel for a slower paced weekend. We spend time as a family, we cross some things off our to do lists, we support our local restaurants, we enjoy the fresh air, and we find the time to do some of the things we don’t have time for when we are scheduled hour by hour even on the weekends. (Y’all, we also find the need to spend some quiet time apart as we are around each other so much…sometimes we need a break!)

Of course, laundry stops for no one and nothing…so it continues to be a constant in our my life too! Interestingly, for not leaving the house, Hadley has way too many dirty clothes and Hayden doesn’t have nearly enough!

There’s a peek at our weekends past and weekends present. I have a feeling we will be back to being over-scheduled before we know it, so I guess we should enjoy this slower paced time right now.

In June, we’ll look at your carry on bag.

Here’s a recap of my previous Let’s Look posts for 2020.

Thanks so much for reading and don’t forget to check out the other ladies’ posts too!

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