Posted in Meals and Recipes, Not Just a Mom

Share Our Lives: June 2024

Hello and happy Monday!

Did you catch my second Sunday post of summer? It was all about self-care.

Well, I don’t want to dwell on it, but how is it already the second Monday of June?!

As always, I’m co-hosting today’s link up with some of my favorite bloggers.

So far this year, we’ve discussed:

  • Introductions and jobs you’ve had in January
  • How me met our significant others in February
  • 5 items you can’t live without in March
  • Favorite make up and hair products in April
  • 5 favorite and least favorite foods in May

This month’s topic is…foods to make for someone else.

Do you know what the first thought I had when I realized this was the topic for today’s post?…That I don’t think people cook for each other like they used to. Maybe I’m wrong….but even when people create “meal trains” for others, it’s a lot of carry out food or sending food via Uber Eats.

That being said, I’m not judging because I can relate…it feels like at this busy stage in my life, I want to help others, but feel like I don’t have as much time as I’d like to….Venmo and gift cards are a “go to” for me as well.

I also think that I’m a little “burned out” on cooking for others because I do that every single day….which I also truly don’t mind…if they’d just come to the table when I say, “dinner’s ready!”

Anyway, that might not be the point of this post, so I will reel in those random thoughts and share a few ideas.

1. Coffee Cake

Call me Mother of the Year, but my kids feel like I’ve really done them a solid when I make the Krusteaz coffee cake for them for breakfast.

It’s easy and delish.

2. Casseroles

Casseroles of any kind are a good way to make someone a lot of food. Or, I should say anything in a casserole dish.

Some favorites are Million Dollar Spaghetti and Chicken Noodle Bake.

3. Soup and Chili

Turkey rice soup is a favorite family tradition after Thanksgiving.

While I guess chili is more for fall and winter, we love to make beef chili and chicken chili. Both of those are great to make and share with others.

Next month’s topic is…day in the life, summer edition! I always love seeing “day in the life posts,” so we hope lots of you will share your days as well.

What about you? What’s a food you enjoy making for someone else?

Sorry this post is pretty short and sweet…The kids and I got back from Kansas City last night. We were able to visit family for a few days, and it was nice to be there. That being said, somewhere in the middle of Illinois, I sure would have been thankful for if one of the kids could have driven for a bit. haha

And — this morning, I’m headed to school for a few hours as it’s our first day of our first summer school session. Thankfully, my responsibilities are minimal, but the first day is always pretty hectic.

I hope you have a great Monday.

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16 thoughts on “Share Our Lives: June 2024

  1. I don’t think people cook for others like they used to either… and we don’t even have Uber eats out here but could count on one hand the amount of times someone has cooked for us or we’ve cooked for others.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It just seems to be a “lost art” and a change of the times I guess. I do think people still want to support friends and family though…maybe we just have a different way to doing that now.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I forgot to mention taking breakfast! I love the idea of that when everyone else thinks dinner. People would be thrilled with a coffee cake or muffins, I think!

    Oh summer school! I’m glad you don’t have big responsibilities, but still the mental strain to go back in the building!

    You make our road trip seem like small potatoes. We did a 3 hour trip twice yesterday – to Columbus, Oh and back. Little Eddie Otis was the best traveler of all of us!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. yes– breakfast is always a great idea!
      yes–thankfully, I only need to go the first day of each session, and will probably go the last day as well to make sure rosters are correct since I’m in charge of that data, and I also have to approve stipends. The nine hours back to Lexington were definitely easier than the nine hours to KC last week. Not sure what the difference was…but that being said, I’m tired today.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I cook alot of other people- meal trains and random deliveries- it is a way I show love/care and I am with you- casseroles are still a go-to for this!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I don’t think cooking for others when they need a little help is a big thing anymore, at least here it’s not. I think people would rather send people food through like you said Uber Eats or something like that.
    Oh wow! That coffee cake looks so good and you can’t go wrong with a casserole, they are such a comforting meal.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I agree that taking meals is kind of a lost art. I did it a lot when my kids were little, but now it’s just not as common. I think a gift card/delivery is nice, but not quite the same as a meal put together and delivered by a friend. We also love that coffee cake!

    Liked by 1 person

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