Posted in Memes

April Monday Memes

Hello! How is it already Monday? How was your weekend? I think I feel like this weekend went fast because we were pretty busy. After wrapping up school on Friday, Travis and I started working on our master bedroom refresh…Wall pops wallpaper, fresh paint and some new bedding. Real Talk: he (and Hadley!) did the painting. I’m really good at overthinking which shade of gray comforter will best match the quilt I picked out for the bed! More details on that refresh later when it’s 100% complete.

I can’t believe we are five weeks (I think?!) into social distancing/staying at home/distance learning… Memes give me life while scrolling through social media as well as a chuckle or two. So…I thought I’d share some of my faves.

That being said, I upload funny memes to my post as the month goes on. I sat down yesterday to see what I’ve added to his post throughout this month…and, you guessed it….they are all social distancing/staying at home/distance learning themed.

I hope that’s ok. I guess in a few years, I will look back on this post, and it will be a time capsule of thoughts and feelings for April 2020.

Netflix: I’m almost halfway finished with season 3 of The Crown. That means in the past few weeks I’ve watched all of season 2 and started season 3. I’m getting used to the new cast. I really like the new (older) Philip. Travis and I also started watching The Stranger and the first two episodes intrigued me. Also, we finished Tiger King last week (and truly binge watched it–which is unlike us….finishing all the episodes in a matter of days). I have no words. Speechless. Up next, I’m know Travis is dying to watch Ozark season 3.

Any other Netflix suggestions? Let me know. 🙂

Y’all, I thought Target was closed. You know back when they closed Hobby Lobby, TJ Maxx (tear!), HomeGoods (sob!), etc…Well, I thought Target was closed too! For like a whole month…that’s what I thought…until I saw someone post about what they’d picked up at our local Target. Anyway, I’d been on the hunt for some new bedding (and a few other essentials from Target), so I did venture to Target on Saturday. I kept my (social) distance and thanks to Chip and Jo, I found what I needed and got out ASAP! I got my Target fix for now…but back to staying put at home.

Not only do I talk to myself (as well as walk into a room and not remember why…), I now tell myself inside jokes 😉

We still haven’t heard if we will be returning to school this year or not. I’m afraid the writing is on the wall…so there may not be a car line of parents in May, but come August, people will be lined up in the dark at drop off!

I honestly was just starting to think about Mother’s Day and just the month of May, in general. Both my parents have May birthdays, so I was thinking about what I could buy online, etc…and then I saw this meme! Made me laugh.

I saw this on my friend Lauren’s Instagram stories, and I about spit my drink out with laughter! 😂I’ve been on a few Zoom calls with school (and one with my friends this weekend!) and actually those Zoom calls haven’t been boring!

And, a final thought…on a more serious note… I’ve said it before, but now that we are settled in this routine, I know my family will look back on this time and treasure it. I know we don’t have it rough for one second. I’m a homebody, so it’s not a stretch for me to want to be at home anyway. (But…I can’t wait for the day when I don’t feel like I need to take a shower after running an errand!)…but again, we are safe and sound, have food in our fridge, technology to keep up with school and family, and most importantly have our health.

Honestly, my mind drifts to students who are home in an environment that is unstable with various stresses and worries. There are so many kids who want to be at school because those are the best seven hours in their day. It’s where they get a decent meal, where they have someone who encourages them and lifts them up, and where they can put their worries aside for a bit of time.


I hope you have a great week. Week 3 of distance learning…Here. We. Come.

Take care,

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