Posted in Friday Favorites, Kids

Friday Favorites {#208}

Hello and happy Friday!

How was your week? Overall, ours was pretty good. It helped having Tuesday off to regroup after a busy weekend.

That being said, the end of the school year activities are in full force, and the alarm clock is officially a nuisance.

Of course, I had some favorites this week, so I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika for this week’s Friday Favorites.

Here are some favorites from the week:

Last Friday, was the end of season county championship track meet for our district. So, only middle schools in our district had teams running. Unfortunately, the first half of the meet was rainy. Hadley ran the 4×200 and 400 in the rain, and Hadey ran the 1600 in a steady rain as well.

Hadley was battling some nerves, but both kids ran great. Hayden won the 1600 and 3200 while Hadley placed 6th in the 400 and 7th in the 200, and her relay teams placed 2nd in the 4×400 and 3rd in the 4×200. Her 4×400 relay is in the top 5 in the state.

For the second half of the meet, the rain stopped. Yay!

It was a long meet and a late night, but they collected their hardware before we left.

Hadley was up bright and early on Saturday for volleyball. She got to play libero again, and she was excited for that opportunity. This was the last tournament of club season. They went 3-0 on Saturday, and won their first two games on Sunday which put them in the championship game of the gold bracket.

While they did lose that game, they earned a medal for 2nd place, and went 5-1 on the weekend. It was a great way to end club season.

She’s had the best experience with great coaches and amazing teammates, so it was extra special to end on a high note.

In my Mother’s Day recap, I shared about the ferns we got for the front porch. Travis noticed there was a nest with an egg in one of them on Saturday, and then on Sunday when I took a peek, there were two eggs. Now, there are four eggs!

It wouldn’t be summer without a nest in my fern for a bit!

I’ve had a Sonic diet cherry limeade twice this week. Tuesday, we didn’t have school (definitely a favorite) for election day. It was nice to ease into the day, but we were pretty busy for the rest of the day.

The kids did a workout on my school’s track, and I went to vote. After the workout, we went to Sonic. They got lunch and slushies, and I got a Diet Cherry Limeade. It certainly hit the spot.

A local church brought Sonic drinks to us yesterday as a way to support our school, and we appreciated the love.

Yesterday, Hadley came home with her artwork and pieces from art class this semester. She drew Homer, and a self-portrait and made a cup and coaster as well. I love seeing her creations.

Favorite Clothes:

I’m officially trying to wear some of my favorite outfits the past couple of weeks of school.

I wore a cardigan with the dress below, but had taken it off for the pic.

I told you I’m loving my new Target sandals. I’ve been wearing them often (and see the above three pics as proof!)

Trader Joe’s:

Amy messaged me that Trader Joe’s has their Brazil Nut Body Butter out, and I missed out on it last summer. So, I headed to TJ after school on Wednesday and stocked up! (along with a few other items)

And…how cute is this little plant? It’s the perfect touch for the stand on my island tray.

Favorite Meal:

Well, I don’t have a picture of it, but we had chicken sandwiches the other night, and they were a hit.

It was basically Chick-fil-A dinner at home. I used these chicken patties from Aldi, and then put them on a brioche bun with pickles and CFA sauce. I made waffle fries in the air fryer. It was a quick and easy dinner that everyone loved.

Favorite Mom Meme:

This right here…

Bonus Fave: Flashback Friday:

Well, in honor the kids having their 8th grade promotion ceremony next week, here’s a flashback to 5th grade graduation three years ago.

Where does the time go?

Weekly Recap:

Here are my posts from the week:

*side note: When I shared my summer sandals post, I mentioned the Instagram Reel that Hadley helped me create. I said if it got 1,000 views, maybe I’d pay her $10 for her time and effort. Well, the reel gained a little traction with more than 1k views. This is a small feat for a small time blogger who rarely posts on Instagram. haha

I guess I better go find some cash!

What are your weekend plans? As I mentioned in Tuesday’s post, it’s been a hard couple of weeks at school. This week has felt really somber and even stressful sometimes as the school year wraps up.

I hope to find some time to relax a bit as we head into the week with 8th grade graduation (cue the tears!) and finish up the school year.

As always, thanks for reading.

13 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {#208}

  1. Do you still have school next week? Sorry if I missed it! Today is our last student day and Tuesday is our last teacher day.

    Now you have me nervous because I haven’t made it to Trader Joe’s yet! I love how your simple meal came together. Tom loves Fresh Market hot dogs and I am thinking about that for an easy and seasonal meal Monday night.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well done to Hayden & Hadley with their races and to Hadley with the volleyball.
    Aww! How wonderful to have a nest in your ferns.
    Those chicken sandwiches sound so good and well done with the Instagram post.

    Liked by 1 person

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