Posted in Friday Favorites, Holidays

Friday Favorites {#212}

Hello and happy Friday!

How was your week? It sure is feeling like summer around here with lots of sunshine and hot temps.

I’m going to need June to pump the breaks a bit!!

As always, I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika for this week’s Friday Favorites.

Here are a few favorites from the week:

Hadley coming home from camp was definitely a favorite. She had a great time, but I know she was happy to sleep in her own bed (and see us!)

On Monday evening, we celebrated Travis for Father’s Day. Since we were still waiting on our new air conditioner, we all ate dinner in the sun room where it was cooler, and then enjoyed some cake. He opened a couple of presents which included some shorts, a shirt, and this acupressure mat. He hadn’t mentioned wanting the mat, but I figured it would be something even the kids would use. He was actually really excited to receive it which was sweet.

Snickerdoodle Bundt cake for the win!

My niece’s birthday is in late May, and I hadn’t gotten her a present yet. She went with Hadley and me to the nail salon. The girls got manicures while I got a pedicure…

….Then, we got some ice cream on that hot summer day.

While it’s a expensive favorite, seeing my new thermostat finally find the 70’s in the house was really appreciated. We were tired of being hot.

I used to set our old a/c on 71 most days, and now, 73/74 really cools us off.

I’d seen some people share about the “all day rose'” Waterloo, so I thought I’d give it a try. It’s really good! It is kind of weird at first (in a good way) that, to me, the first few sips really do taste like rose’. After that, I feel like it just tastes like (good) flavored sparkling water.

Favorite Mom Meme:

This is so true! I can’t keep up with my kids’ changing tastes. haha

Weekly Recap:

Here are my posts from the week:

That’s it for this week! I hope you have a great weekend.

4 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {#212}

    1. Whole Foods. I just popped in there when I was nearby and it was right as you walk in the door. It was a sign to try it. I thought Target might have it, but they didn’t have that flavor


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