Posted in Day in the Life, Let's look

Let’s Look


Well, I had to double check the calendar…it is the second Wednesday of the month, so I’m linking up with Erika and Shay for Let’s Look.

So far this year we’ve looked at…

  • How we clean our closets in January
  • Little things we do every single day in February
  • What’s in our grocery cart in March
  • Our daily quiet time/prayer time in April
  • Our closet summer staples in May

This month’s topic is let’s look at…our summer schedule.

Well, this is only our second full week of summer, and we aren’t in much of a routine just yet. Hayden and Travis started the summer going to St. Louis for Hayden’s race, then last week I spent Monday and Tuesday doing laundry, getting an oil change for my car, and other odds and ends to get ready to go to KC. Then, we were in KC from Wednesday to Sunday. Monday, I was at school most of the day, and yesterday was also spent getting life back on track after being out of town since I didn’t have time to do that on Monday.

Also, it was midday yesterday before I glanced at today’s Let’s Look topic, so today’s post is a look at how I think most days will look based on the few days we’ve been at home so far. That being said, I hope to find some days with nothing on the calendar some time soon. June is definitely our more hectic month, so it might be July before I have lots of downtime at home.

Anyway, this post is a mix of new and old pics to share a daytime summer schedule (ish).

Early Morning:

Hopefully, I’m not setting an alarm and get up between 7:30 and 8:00.

I always have my quiet time, coffee and blog reading until about 9:00 or 9:30 depending on where the kids need to go. If they don’t have anything and are sleeping in, then I tend to get my workout in.

Besides my coffee, I look forward to a slow start the morning and a little self-care with my eye gels.

Then, I do my skincare routine, and make my bed.

Yesterday, I had my monthly facial, so I did very minimal skincare. Yay!

I do love in the summer when I can take care of my personal business like appointments during the day. When I schedule those appointments in the summer, I try to schedule them between 10:30 and 12:30 as it’s not too early and also doesn’t take up my afternoon.

Last Wednesday, the kids had their six month dental cleaning, and Hadley said, “MOMMMM! Why did you schedule it so early?” haha (It did work out because after their appointments is when we started our drive to KC.)


I typically take the kids where they need to go. Yesterday, Hadley had volleyball, and Hayden wanted to play golf.

Sometimes, I get my front porch plants watered before leaving for errands and activities. This summer, I’ve decided this should be Hadley’s chore!

I try to run errands before noon if possible. Yesterday, I had a Target pickup, needed gas, and also went to Kroger for a few things.

Between 9:45 and 12:15 yesterday, I picked up Hadley’s friend, dropped both girls off at volleyball, answered a school phone call, did my Target pick up, went to my monthly facial (dermaplane and chemical peel), picked up Hayden from home and dropped him off at the golf course, and then picked up the girls from volleyball. After that, Hadley and I went to Kroger for a few things.


Another thing I love about summer is that I can do a few house chores during the day. Usually we do laundry on the weekends, but I can now do a random load if needed on a weekday during the day.

After volleyball, I did take the girls to get a Sonic drink…

…but we had lunch at home. I love a snack plates for lunch.

If I don’t do my workout in the morning, I try get it completed in the early afternoon.

Yesterday, I did one of my favorites… Sure Thing: Combination Strength.

At some point during the day, I fuss at my kids to pick their ish up or throw away their trash.

Classic Hayden move here:

Again, if my Bible study doesn’t happen in the morning, I do those few minutes in the early afternoon.

Yesterday, I picked Hayden up from his round of golf. He’s been playing a lot with friends, but yesterday he played 18 holes on his own. I will say he’s not big on changing plans, so while it was a bit inconvenient for me to take him to and from golf, he was out in the nice weather and doing something he loved. He even paid for the golf and post golf snack with his own money. (He has a pass for $5 rounds of golf for public courses in town).

While I would love for my summer to always include an hour or two at the pool, that really hasn’t happened yet. I really thought I’d get to the pool for a bit yesterday, but that just didn’t happen. Again, hopefully I will get in a routine soon.

If I don’t go to the pool, I most certainly find some time to lounge and read for a bit in the afternoon. Sometimes I even doze off for a few minutes…

…and sometimes Homer does too!


Before dinner, I usually try to finish up the next day’s blog post.

Last night, dinner was leftovers which, to me, are an even a better idea in the summer.

There are times I’m showered by 5:00 if I’ve been to the pool. If not, if I know I’m “in” for the night, I can’t wait to shower and do my skincare right after dinner.

I’m still loving these shower steamers (or these!) They are such a nice treat.

Then, it’s skincare time.

…and then time to chill.

So far this summer, we haven’t really had evening activities on the schedule, so once dinner is over, it’s nice to tidy up the house, shower, sit on the back porch, read or watch TV before bed.

Homer loves being outside:

Sometimes, I will watch the KC Royals game or catch up on a show. Other times, I read for a bit. So far, no two evenings have really looked alike.

Last night, we took Homer for a walk before I showered and put on pjs.

Then, I head to bed between 10-11.

I know it’s good for my “type A” personality to go with the flow a bit in the summer, and I embrace that. That being said, I feel like disheveled right now not really having a true rhythm to summer just yet.

It’s still such a blessing to have this time off, so I’m sure I will settle in soon.

8 thoughts on “Let’s Look

  1. We’re still in school mode here but I anticipate not having any sort of schedule at all this summer. Ian will be working every day like he does year round but Alec’s schedule will be all over the place I think and I hope to get some days here and there to pack/plan/shop for college. Evan is keeping his own set of weird hours staying up late and sleeping in very late most days so I’m pretty much going to be left on my own. I see lots of cleaning, reading, and hopefully some crafting time.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great schedule! Mine is similar. I have got to get outside after dinner. I hate the mosquitoes and I would rather not spray bug spray when I’m already clean. First world problems! The weather has been so nice, though, and I know I need to take advantage of it!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What a great summer schedule! I was just noticing that our new puppy looks like a black version of Homer! I’m curious how much he weighs. So far our Mollie is such a good dog!

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