Posted in Friday Favorites, Kids

Friday Favorites {#209}

Hello and happy Friday!

Well, the first Friday of summer sure hits different! I was very happy to not set an alarm last night…so that’s definitely a favorite of the week.

As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites.

Here are some favorites from the week:

The kids had the middle school state track meet last Saturday.

When they came out of their rooms that morning, they were “twinning” in their t-shirts from the distance festival in honor of Trav’s dad. As Hadley likes to say, “Twin telepathy!” (while Hayden cringes!)

It was a hot day that started with an hour and a half thunder delay even though we never saw lightning or rain.

This season, Hayden qualified in the 1600, 800, and 3200. He ran the 1600 and placed 8th overall with a PR. He decided not to run the 800 in order to focus on the 3200, but his hip was bothering him. Overall, I know he was disappointed in the day, but I know he did his best.

Hadley qualified in the 200, 4×100, 4×200, and 4×400. She was very close to a PR in the 200, but her relay team shined in all three relays. They set school records in all three relays, and their 4×400 came in 4th out of 65 teams.

It was a long day (we were gone for over 12 hours), but we had dinner out on the way home, and then they let me snap their pic with their medals before we all cooled off, showered, and went to bed.

I can’t believe their middle school track “careers” are over, but I know they will have a lot of fun competing in high school track too.

The kids’ 8th grade promotion ceremony was Tuesday night, and it was a really nice celebration of them and their 230 classmates. It was nice seeing everyone dressed up and supporting each other.

They’ve made some really great friends and some wonderful memories these past three years…but I’m guessing the best is yet to come!

After their ceremony, we went out to dinner with friends, and then they had some ice cream cake.

Wednesday night, a lot of the 8th graders got together for a pool party.

The weather was cooler, so they mostly ran around and played volleyball and pickleball, but it was a fun way to wrap up middle school.

New Fave Find:

Amy has shared about the Chobani, and my Kroger had this flavor. It’s so good!

Yesterday, Travis and Hayden traveled to St. Louis for Hayden to run in the Hoka Distance Festival. He ran in this race last year, and had such a good time. I’d hoped to join them, but with the busyness of this past week and some end of the school year responsibilities, I just couldn’t make the trip happen.

Overall, I think Hayden was pleased with his performance. I think that was his last official race as a middle school runner! Hard to believe.

After his race, they stayed and watched the high school runners and professionals which Hayden really enjoyed last year as well. Hoka puts on a great event that’s a fun experience for the runners.

Fave Follow:

I have a new favorite influencer to follow. @bobbiwiththeeye on Insta! She shares lots of “day in the life” as well as cute and affordable clothes and other products. Go check her out.

Favorite Mom Meme:

This meme is probably the most relatable one I’ve ever seen! I also feel this deeply as a teacher. haha

Bonus Fave: Flashback Friday:

Look at my little daredevil back in 2015. She was always on the playground doing tricks, and saying “Look mom, no hands!”

Weekly Recap:

I had a little bit of everything this week.

What are your weekend plans? I need desperately to get caught up on my life. I want to take this weekend to relax a little but to also get caught up on laundry, empty out my school bag, run some errands, meal plan and more. I feel like I’ve been “winging” it the past couple of weeks, and that’s not my best self!

Hopefully, I can start reading some of my summer books and relax a bit too.

See you back here on Monday!

8 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {#209}

  1. Thanks for the Insta follow rec! I have a hard time finding people on my own! I love the parrot/parent meme. I hope you get to do all that this weekend! I think it took me a couple of days to re-set and get rid of some clutter that I had been letting pile up. Yesterday I cleaned and it felt good. I have really just been mostly at home for the last couple of days. So much to do around here so I get it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the kids matching t-shirts. It sounds like they did so well in the track meet. How lovely to see them dressed up for the ceremony.
    hahaha! I can relate to that meme too, I am forever repeating myself!


  3. Yay for no alarm! I can’t wait for those days… I guess technically I can do that starting tonight until we’re back from Maine but I don’t want to spent my whole vacation sleeping either. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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