Posted in Not Just a Mom

Share Our Lives: May 2024

Hello and happy Monday!

How was your weekend? Ours was pretty good, and the weather was amazing.

I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day. We all slept in, went to church and then brunch, and then spent time outside for the rest of the day.

It’s time for our monthly Share Our Lives link up with some of my favorite bloggers:

So far this year, we’ve discussed:

  • Introductions and jobs you’ve had in January
  • How we met our significant others in February
  • 5 items you can’t live without in March
  • Favorite make up and hair products in April

This month’s topic is…5 favorite and least favorite foods. I’m not sure why this post was so hard for me to write….maybe because I’m not too picky, so I guess I like most food and don’t dislike many foods?

Top 5 favorite foods:

So many great foods to choose from, but I narrowed my list down to these five:

  • Chips and queso: the best part about going to a Mexican restaurant (I love a good salsa too!)
  • Macaroni and cheese: Hadley gets her love of mac and cheese from me. I don’t make it very often, but I love homemade macaroni and cheese. This recipe is a little effort, but it’s oh so good!
  • Gnocchi: If we are at an Italian restaurant and gnocchi is on the menu, I will order it!
  • Green bean casserole: Well, I don’t think I had green bean casserole until moving to Kentucky and attending Trav’s family get togethers. I always think of green been casserole for Thanksgiving and Easter, but I try to make it a couple of other times throughout the year. The crunchy fried onions on top are the “chef’s kiss.”
  • Mint chocolate chip ice cream: My favorite ice cream flavor of all time.
  • Bonus: I love sushi. Now, I don’t eat all fish. I don’t love tuna, for example, but I will eat salmon, yellowtail, shrimp, crab and more.

I’m sure I’m forgetting so many great foods, but those were the first ones to pop in my head!

Top 5 least favorite foods:

Oh…I do have a few least favorite foods:

  • Mayo: Absolutely not. I’ve never liked mayo and never will. If a recipes calls for mayo, I ain’t making it. I don’t even know if my kids have ever had mayo since we don’t have it at home.
  • Yogurt: I want to like yogurt so badly…I know it’s a great source of protein and an easy breakfast, but I just can’t do it. I was always proud of myself as a mom that my kids liked mayo when they were little. They still like it, but don’t ask me to buy it often.
  • Tomato: I don’t like tomatoes. They don’t taste like much to me and the juice is too runny. Again, I don’t know that my kids have had many tomatoes besides salsa.
  • Oysters: I know many people don’t like oysters, but Travis and Hayden do. When we go on vacay, Hadley and I hate it when they want to hit up the oyster happy hour.
  • Pimento cheese: I know it’s a southern thing, so I guess I didn’t grow up eating it. I tried it once, and I just can’t do it.

Coleslaw was another food that came to mind as one I don’t like.

Next month, our topic is also about food…but it’s foods to make for someone else.

I can’t wait to see what others share for favorites and least favorite foods. I’m sure there are some I could have added to both lists but forgot.

After today, only one more Monday of the school year…I think I can, I think I can!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

23 thoughts on “Share Our Lives: May 2024

  1. I have never had pimento cheese but can’t imagine I’d be fan of it and I definitely can’t imagine eating oysters either. I too struggled to come up with just 5 of each- I have lots of favorites and lots of least favorites!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This was so fun to read! I am guessing not liking mayo and yogurt is a texture thing? Cracked up at your oyster comment- you either love them or hate them I think!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The only dislike thing I agree with is oysters. Tom likes them but rarely gets them. I use the olive oil mayo in my recipes but usually do a combo of Greek non fat plain yogurt and that – for Big Mac Sauce and for Burrito Bowl sauce. I can’t eat the yogurt alone, but I can eat other yogurts alone. I just don’t reach for yogurt regularly. So, I get that.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I learned I have too many favorites. I love mayonaise but I know that’s one of those foods many people don’t care for. It’s in so many things too. I get why you wouldn’t like pimento cheese or coleslaw if you don’t like mayo. Thanks for hosting…this was fun to think about and will be fun to read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have a couple favorite dips that others make that I’m sure have Mayo in them — so I try not to think about it when I’m eating the dips. So I must be ok with Mayo in some things if it’s hidden enough haha


  5. I can’t imagine not having yoghurt! Isn’t that funny? I agree that it has a strange texture and if I eat it too fast I can mind it, but mixed with granola and fruit is my favourite.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love chips and queso and macaroni and cheese. Do you use fresh, frozen, or canned green beans in your casserole? I use the Cream of Mushroom with Roasted Garlic soup and it really ups the flavor. I never liked mayo as a child, but I love it now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Canned green beans. I keep the recipe basic. Haha
      I will have to remember to try the roasted garlic soup.
      There are so many foods I didn’t like as a child but I like now.


  7. I think we’re really opposite when it comes to food tastes. I do love mac & cheese though. But I also really like mayo and yogurt. I’ve never had an oyster though and don’t know if I could eat it…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ahh! Gnocchi made it onto my list but my least favourite list, we have had it once and we weren’t fans but I have been told it’s totally different if it’s roasted compared to the boiled which we had. I have never had green been casserole but I have just searched what it is and I think I would love it.

    Liked by 1 person

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