Posted in Memes

Monday Memes

Hello and happy Monday!

How was your weekend? Just like last weekend, we were busy from start to finish…and mama needs a break!

The kids had a track meet on Friday, and we didn’t get home until late. On Saturday, Hadley played a couple of volleyball games, and then both kids had the final cotillion dance of the season which meant another late night.

Tis the season for “all the things!”

Since April is wrapping up, I’m sharing some memes that made me laugh this month:


As you know I get up early, but at this point in the school year, I’m definitely pushing it to the limit being on time for school.


This one just made me chuckle:


Relatable: (haha)


For real!


Current situation:


Tell me it’s the end of the school year without telling me it’s the end of the school year:


This one really made me laugh out loud:


*Sigh* we’ve had a few car repairs, Homer’s vet check up which is always costly, and then we just had to get a new grill and a new dryer.

I hope these start your week off with a laugh!

It’s another busy week around here, but I hope to have a few posts this week.

8 thoughts on “Monday Memes

  1. Yay is a busy weekend! For the cotillion dances, do the kids do classes along with it? Great selection of memes this month. They made me giggle! The Price is Right is spot on. That’s a lot of expenses at once. Hope you have a quiet Monday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This week will be busy, but I’m already looking forward to (I think!) a less hectic upcoming weekend.
      No classes…just four dances but they have partners for every dance (that they do or don’t follow suggestions haha…teens!)


  2. Yes – there are seasons where you have to replace or pay for all the adulting things and it sucks! 

    Four day week and I’m not even sure I can make it! Ha!


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