Posted in Not Just a Mom

Share Our Lives: March 2024

Hello and happy Monday!

How was your weekend? Ours was so good. We went to Cinicinnati for a concert on Saturday, and made time to go to IKEA as well.

The kids had never been to a concert, and Hadley loves Bailey Zimmerman, so Trav bought tickets last summer for this concert this weekend. BZ was really amazing, and his opening acts were amazing too.

Anyway, I’m sure I will share more at some point, but first…

How’s everyone feeling? haha

Anyway, today’s our monthly Share Our Lives link up…

This year, we’ve discussed:

  • Introductions and jobs you’ve had in January
  • How we met our significant other in February

This month’s topic is…5 items you can’t live without.

Ok – topics like this one stress me out a bit…how do I narrow down to 5? What if I forget to mention something?? I know I’m going to read others’ posts and think, “Oh yeah! I need that too!

Anyway, here are some of the (more trivial) things that I can’t live without.

1. My Kindle

My Kindle is one of my favorite things ever. It’s so handy to take with me, throw in my purse, download a few books, and read conveniently wherever I am.

I bought my Kindle almost five years ago! Honestly, it’s getting a little slow, and I’ve noticed it’s not staying charged as long. I’m thinking about getting a new one soon.

2. Weighted Blanket

When I’m not home, I miss my weighted blanket more than I can say. Truly. It’s one of my favorite things. I bought the kids each one (a lighter weight one) a few years ago, but they didn’t use theirs like I thought they would. Honestly, I really think Hayden would benefit from one…he’s not a very relaxed sleeper…but what does mom know?

I can’t remember where I got mine years ago…I’ve been thinking and thinking and am drawing a blank. I know I was “influenced” and bought it using a code from a brand, but anyway…I still love it so much.

3. Post-It Notes

Post-It notes and note pads…I truly can’t live without them. I feel like I have little things I want to remember, so I will use a sticky notes…but then I have longer lists that I write on a small notepad or one of these pretty notepads.

4. Tumbler(s)

I shared recently about my new tumbler that’s only for my Diet Coke. I have a small one from Target for my coffee, and I have another one that’s for water only! I have a purple Stanley but this lilac one is the one I use the most often for water.

5. Coffee pot

Coffee on repeat. It’s my lifeline and the best way to start my day. We had the same coffee pot for years, and then I got a pretty white Drew Barrymore brand one that didn’t even last a year. When it just up and stopped working about a year and a half ago, Travis made a trip to Walmart and came home with this bad boy:

It is nice that it’s Keurig for single cups of coffee, but we can also make a pot of coffee. What I truly miss about my old coffee pot is setting the timer and having a fresh pot of coffee when I wake up.

Now, I usually do a single cup for me in the morning and then make the pot of coffee for my second cup and for Trav to drink.

Bonus: A hair tie!

I’m not a person to wear a hair tie (rubber band) on my wrist, but I do have to have a few in my purse, in my makeup bag, in my nightstand and more. I like to pull my hair back, and just have to know that I have one nearby to do that if/when needed.

Also, I cannot workout unless my hair is pulled back.

So those are some of my “can’t live without” items.

To be honest, I could have included things like my phone or phone charger, but I was trying to keep this list as short as possible. haha

Next month, we’re talking about favorite make up and hair products. I’m not great at either of these things, so I’m going to start thinking about that topic now.

If you have a blog, we’d love for you to link up with us and join us.

I can’t wait to see what “must have” items others share.

Have a great week,

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21 thoughts on “Share Our Lives: March 2024

    1. The one I have – I had choice of outside cover color that a soft material…& the weighted part is an insert. After about a year, I just took the weighted part out and it’s under my quilt…so it can’t be seen. It just makes making the bed easier that way.


  1. For some reason, I interpreted this prompt as Products I Can’t Live Without. It’s been fun to see the different iterations people have come up with!
    How fun to take them to first concert and have a little Cincy getaway!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I started with beauty (Seint) and a couple of hair things and realized that was the wrong month haha
      I can’t wait to read what others have—-however they interpreted it 🙂
      Our weekend was fun but now I feel like I need an extra day to get my life together.


      1. I’m just a creature of habit now with Seint but I do still like it. On a whim, I got a spray tan on Friday night (since STC had $8.99 tan) anyway- I just had to use my darker color Seint foundation…it’s nice I have all I need in the palette


  2. Great list- yes to all! I am stressing because I want to write this post and link back up with you tomorrow but I may have to do extra things 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my goodness, I could’ve just copy and pasted this entire post. Every single thing you wrote! Also, those note pads are precious and I just put some in my cart for Easter gifts!

    Lauren @ Don’t Mind Our Mess

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I didn’t list my Kindle, but it is definitely a must-have item. And the hair tie! I have to have one with me at all times and cannot exercise or clean house without it. Also a YES for notepads and paper products in general. Hope you have a great week. 🙂 Tanya

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes a hair tie. I always have one on my wrist or in my hair. plus numerous around the house, in my purse, in my wallet, and in my car.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Yes, there are times when I just need a hair tie too. I usually borrow one from my daughter who always has a couple on her wrist! And I too need to start thinking of my hair and makeup items — it’s going to be a short one!

    Liked by 1 person

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