Posted in Not Just a Mom

Share Our Lives: February 2024

Hello and happy Monday!

It’s time for another Share Our Lives post with some of my favorite bloggers.

In January, we discussed introductions and jobs we’ve had.

This month’s topic is…how we met our significant other or best friend.

…This post is just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Here’s how I met T-rav:

When Travis graduated college, he worked for UK’s Athletic department, and after a few years he moved to Columbia, Missouri to work for Mizzou Athletics. It was a step up from what he was doing but also not too far from home.

Anyway, he moved to Columbia in 2001.

I met Travis that fall. I was in my last year of college and University of Missouri. I was working part time in the ticket office, and that was his full time job.

My friend who also worked in the ticket office also thought he was cute. We liked his accent…haha

Anyway, we crossed paths at work quite a few times and would see each other out at bars. (Oh to be 21 again!) He asked me on a date and said he’d call me the next day. Well, I’d dated a bit in college and knew I’d at least see him again at work or that maybe he’d call the next evening. He called me (on the house phone!) early the next morning. This already made him stand out in my book.

Our first date was going for a jog that afternoon on the MK-T trail which is a popular outdoor spot in Columbia. I actually was a jogger back then.

Since this was 2001, and athleisure wasn’t all the rage, I remember stressing and asking my roommates what to wear. I wanted to look cute but also able to jog…haha

He picked me up in his silver Honda Civic, and we headed to the trail. We jogged briefly, and I then told him I couldn’t run and talk at the same time…and he casually dropped the fact that he ran for UK in college on me. Oh geez!

Anyway, after the jog, we went to eat an early dinner at an Italian place called Bambinos and then hung out for a while afterwards.

I remember being nervous about possibly seeing him at work on Monday, but didn’t see him. Then, he called me that evening, and I told him I wasn’t feeling well. I ended up with a high fever, and was pretty sick. He brought me Gatorade and a People magazine because at some point we’d talked about my love for celebrity gossip.

To this day, he takes care of me. I think I’m a pretty independent person, but at this point in my life when I feel like I’m taking care of everyone, I appreciate it even more when he steps in and takes care of things or me.

Anyway, we hit it off and hung out quite a bit moving forward.

I think this is the first pic we have together…it’s at my parents’ house…and I think it’s around my birthday in January 2002.

Our relationship wasn’t perfect then (we even broke up once or twice…that’s a story for another day…but the breakups were always short-lived), and it’s still not perfect now…but I think we are pretty perfect for each other.

The fact that Valentine’s Day is in a couple of days is timely for a running joke we have. Every year he asks me how many years we’ve been valentines…and I say the number of years but then remind him it would be one more if we hadn’t broken up in February of 2002 (only to get back together in March of that year).

We got engaged in May of 2004 and married in June 2005.

I’m really grateful to have found “my person” while I was pretty young, but I also know we aren’t the people we were back then. Although, I always say that he really is the same guy I met. I’m the one who has probably changed a bit more…but I know that’s a part of life too…and I’m grateful that he loves me through the ups and downs of life.

We’ve definitely come a long way and are very blessed:

So, that’s our story!

Next month’s topic is 5 items you can’t live without…

I hope you have a great week. Mine is a really busy one at school and in the evenings. I hope to have a couple more posts this week.

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19 thoughts on “Share Our Lives: February 2024

  1. I’m impressed you accepted a jogging date as your first date; I don’t think I could have done that! LOL. Talking while running is never a skill I possessed….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Athleisure wasn’t a thing and you told him to stop talking to you “because you couldn’t run and talk!” – bahahaha! I love this. I remember when calling was such a big deal and had to wait a certain number of days – love that he called you in the am and then also brought you Gatorade and People. So cute!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great story! And comments about changing from those early days. Ultimately I think Dave has changed more than me, but maybe we really are just the same people we always have been, just better versions?!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your story! I had a laugh thinking of what we wore before active wear. I guess sweatpants. You summed up relationships so well in the end. Each of us change over the years, and we are blessed if we can continue to love each other.

    Liked by 1 person

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