Posted in Me, This and That

This or That: About Me


Well, in yesterday’s Share Our Lives post, I don’t think I added much since I’d shared that topic a time or two before.

Today, I’m sharing a “This or That” answering a few questions and sharing a bit more about myself.

This or That:

  • Early bird or Night owl

I’m definitely a morning girl. That doesn’t mean that I hop right out of bed, but I appreciate a quiet morning before a hectic day.

  • Smoothie or Soda

I’m a soda girl for sure. I love a Diet Coke…especially a fountain Diet Coke (with extra ice!) from McDonald’s or Chick-Fil-A

  • Sneakers or Heels

I’m definitely a sneakers girl. I’m glad that there are so many cute and stylish options. I even wear sneakers with dresses to school…especially in the fall.

  • Freckles or Dimples

I have a few freckles when I’m out in the sun. Red head/freckles run in the family. I guess I have dimples when I smile too.

  • East Coast or West Coast

Well, I’ve been to both, and if we are talking beaches, then I’m torn. I love both. If we are talking overall weather, then definitely west coast, southern California is a favorite.

  • Lefty or Righty

I’m a lefty…except in my (brief) softball days…I batted right handed.

Fun fact, in my family, my Gma, my mom, my aunt, and me are all left-handed. While I was hopeful to pass that trait on to Hadley, I got lucky and both Hayden and Hadley are left-handed. I think that’s pretty neat.

  • Middle part or Side part

I’m a side part girl. I don’t think I’m cool enough for middle part.

  • Sweet or Salty

I definitely have a sweet tooth. I’m not big on candy, but I love cookies, brownies, and cake.

  • Neutrals or Colorful

I definitely lean towards neutral colors…which probably says something about my personality. haha

  • Online shopping or In store shopping

Definitely online! That being said, I think I enjoy going in stores a bit more now because I mainly shop online. Even because I do grocery pick up, I don’t mind going into Kroger for a few things. I like to wander around Target or Home Goods when I have time.

  • Sunbathe or Get in the water

I hate being hot, but I’m a “toes in the sand with a book” kind of girl. I will get in the water to cool off.

  • Spontaneous or Planner

I don’t know how to be anything besides a planner! My “type A” self needs a plan…and a planner…and pens…

…and the Cozi app for the fam.

I hope this posts helps you get to know me a bit better 🙂

I will share the “This or That” prompts on Instagram. I’d love for you to fill it out and tag me!

10 thoughts on “This or That: About Me

  1. My husband’s family is very left dominant too and so is our oldest boy. My sister thought I was nuts when i declared him left handed at only 3 but it was just SO obvious!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love freckles and think they are so cute! Mine would be called “sun spots” and are not cute. I share many of these things with you except I tend toward more colorful clothes but I do try to be more of a neutral person. I think shopping online has also made me enjoy in person more when I do it. I also realize I am not missing out on much and leave empty handed! Ha! I need a new candle for this time of year and need to look for a good one this weekend! I feel like I must do that in person!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That was fun to read! How cool that so many of you are left handed. I am a lefty as well, but none of our sons are. I am like you and cannot stand to be hot, so if I’m outside in the summer and in a swimsuit, I am in the water for the duration. I do love going to the beach, though!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That’s neat so many lefty’s in your family. My oldest daughter is a lefty but the next closest lefty was her great grandma. Funny though her step dad and step mom are both leftys.

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