Posted in Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites {#56}

Hey! Hey! We made it to Friday. I can’t get over the difference in weather in a matter of just one week. Last week, the kids were sledding and our streets were covered in ice and snow. This week, Hayden has been excited to wear shorts most days and both kids haven’t needed their winter coat!

I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika for this week’s Friday Favorites post.

As I occasionally do, I’m sharing the “little” moments as favorites this week. Here’s a look at some small, but meaningful, moments from the week:


On Sunday, the sun was (finally) shining, and the snow began to melt! We needed the milder temps after 2+ weeks of frigid temperatures and ongoing winter weather events.


On Monday, I started Muscle Burns Fat: Advanced. I did Muscle Burns Fat earlier in the month, and I loved the program. Since the beginning of January, I’ve lost almost 6 total inches and a few pounds, so I’m hoping MBFA will help me keep chipping away at my #quarantine15!


Hadley started attending the God’s Girls Reading Group at our church. It was fun picking her and two friends up afterwards and hearing about how the session went for them. The “mini chapters” in this book are perfect for Hadley and provide opportunities for some nice conversations.


With in person learning on the horizon, the kids’ pod teacher gave them this sweet gift on Wednesday. I love a good hashtag: #podsquadforever

Hand sanitizer, Kleenex, pencils, and a candy necklace…perfect for 5th graders in 2021! I know they will always remember their time at pod, and we are thankful to have had that option and experience.

Another favorite from Wednesday, was I was able to catch up with one of my friends! We met at Agave and Rye for their Happy Hour specials. We had a great time catching up, sipping margs, and eating chips and queso!


My candle pedestal from The Nested Fig arrived a couple weeks ago. The small wreath I ordered from Amazon arrived and was the perfect finishing touch for the candle and pedestal.

I’m enjoying slow mornings at home with this Butterscotch Toffee scented candle from Bath and Body Works while I can.

I also tried cinnamon rolls in the Air Fryer, and they were a hit! Well…for Hayden and Travis, anyway. Hadley doesn’t like cinnamon rolls. (crazy, but true!) They were ready in five minutes. Five minute cinnamon rolls isn’t necessarily a reason to buy an Air Fryer, but I am appreciating being able to make some breakfast favorites during the week instead of just on the weekends.

Favorite Mom Meme:

That mom life though…

Bonus Fave: Flashback Friday

February 2013 when Hadley came to school with me for a few hours. I loved when she let me put her hair in little pigtails!

Weekly Recap:

Here are my posts from this week in case you are interested…

Also, I feel like I have a bit of the “blogging blahs…” #workingtitle

Let me know if there are any topics or ideas that you have that you are interested in reading about or that you’ve seen other bloggers share. I always plan around certain link ups or some of my regular posts like books, meals, memes and other ideas, but I’d love to hear some new fresh ideas!

This weekend we have four basketball games to keep us busy, Hayden has also started back with baseball, and Hadley’s working hard on her competition dance routines. We’re also gearing up for in person learning next week, so I feel like there won’t be much rest to be had over the next couple of weeks.

I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks so much for reading,

{this post contained Amazon affiliate links…}

7 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {#56}

  1. I go to Agave and Rye quite a bit! Did you like it? Such a sweet pod gift. You were so smart to do that. Did you hear we are going back? Elementary in March and ms and hs April 5. The vote was just last night at 9. That’s a lot of games! I missed your blog yesterday. I am going to read it now. Blog ideas: love your meals, spring ideas for kids – things to do, Easter basket ideas, spring clothes for your kids’ ages. I was in a rut last week, too. I am considering reducing my posts but I would hate that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for these ideas! 4 posts a week has been pretty manageable but I kind of feel like I’m in a rut. I hadn’t heard you all will be back! While it was be a tough transition, at least you know you still have March to ease into everything and then just a few weeks of school once you get back. I know it will be overwhelming. The amount of emails I’ve received this week since they made the decision for us, keeps me busy! Also, random, but Beshear even reference my school as one that maybe shouldn’t be back full time with all students due to poor ventilation and large student population but here we are going back 😂 Next week, 9th graders are coming in shifts on Thursday and Friday afternoon since they’ve never been in the building…that will be a good trial run. I like agave and rye. I hadn’t been there since before Covid but we used to go pretty regularly. Ours is at the mall.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh – our agave is on Baxter by bardstown road with a funky patio. I have a bias against mall restaurants! Lol! I do love BJs at oxmoor.
        Are you Bryan Station? Same with our building – Ballard was built in 1960 and nothing has been done to our building to speak of. I have two windows that I plan to keep open. I’m a bit worried about our schedule. I think we will be teaching in person and then virtual students separately which will make for a long day.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah I’m not a big fan of the mall either! I actually think our Agave is moving to a spot downtown soon. They gave all of our rooms air purifiers. Thankfully, I have 4 windows …and only have a few students at a time. I know it’s going to be overwhelming for so many. I think our teachers will teacher virtual at same time as in person which isn’t ideal, obviously but I think that’s all we can do. Also, students have just had three classes a day and now will have all six classes. I do worry for the virtual students because that’s a lot to keep up with while not having teacher office hours or sitting face to face with teacher on zoom


      3. Oh – cool. I used to frequent downtown Lex. a lot!
        We are not getting purifiers that I know of. It is all going to be hard but I guess it’s time to rip off the band-aid!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that pedestal and wreath. I need to try the cinnamon rolls in the air fryer…genius!!! So glad the kids will get to go back to school in person. A little jealous of that margarita and queso, looks delish. Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What I love about the “recipe”from Pinterest is that they said to not even preheat the air fryer. So the cinnamon rolls really were finished in 5 min. I was so excited it worked out. Have a great weekend!


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