Posted in Memes

October Memes

Hello and Happy Monday! How have you been?

I haven’t posted in a bit because I’ve been recovering from surgery that I had last Wednesday. I’ve been trying to take the time to slow down, heal, and sleep! I’m so tired, but happy that most of my pain has subsided; I’m hoping to get more energy back with each day.

I will probably write more about my surgery later in the week, but thought I’d share my monthly memes to start our week off with a laugh or two! Enjoy 😊


I feel like this happens a lot in our kitchen…whether it be a husband, a kid, or a dog in my way, they tend to be right where I need to be at the moment!


Target is my happy place. I’m always amazed at what I end up picking up even when I’m only going in for one thing!


I shared this meme on Instagram stories recently. It definitely made me laugh out loud. Some days I can’t remember what I wore yesterday, but I can remember something petty from years ago! 😂


This is unfortunately the truth. The kids always seem to need me when I’m in the restroom, or I’m fussing at them to get out because they are fighting with each other!


Daylight Savings Time is right around the corner! Maybe we should just go for it and buck the system. #2020amiright ?!


I was doing this a lot in the spring. I joked that I usually buy myself an end of the school year gift and was basically making some kind of Friday purchase for surviving each week of home school and work from home life.


The older I’ve gotten and the longer I’ve been a parent, the more this is true. Sometimes I just like a few minutes alone in my car. I’m the type the drives with no music on just so I can have a quiet and think to myself.


This frame of mind is nice and may come in handy since I’m not supposed to drive for another week or so!

I hope to post somewhat regularly this week, but sleep and Homer snuggles are obviously my first priority!

Hopefully, these memes will provide a few laughs and get your week started off right.

Take care,

4 thoughts on “October Memes

  1. I wondered about you on Friday! Hope you have a speedy recovery. I love these memes. You find the best. Target was my only alone time for several years when my twins were babies and I needed to get out of the house.

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