Posted in Friday Favorites, Travel

Friday Favorites {#213}

Hello and happy Friday!

We’ve had our best week of summer exploring Oregon and Washington. It’s been a really memorable trip where we’ve done a lot, but also had a little bit of downtime.

As always, I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika for this week’s Friday Favorites.

Well, we’ve had a busy week full of favorites.

I’m sure I will recap our trip, but here’s the quick run down:

We flew into Portland, Oregon and spent some time there…

…then on to Eugene, Oregon for two nights of the Olympic track trials…

…then we spent two days Rockaway Beach, Oregon in the cutest little house steps away from the water.

Our first day there looked more like this with fairly warm temps…

Our second day was definitely more of what I thought the weather might be like…overcast and blustery.

I still enjoyed my coffee on the beach…

…before we left and checked out nearby Cannon Beach…recognize Haystack Rock?

Highway 101 was so pretty to travel. We pulled over on a couple of the viewpoints, and the pictures don’t do them justice.

Yesterday, we traveled to Olympic National Park…

…where we stayed at a cute little resort.

…with these views….

…and we’re wrapping up our trip in Seattle before we fly home.

It’s been an amazing trip to remember. Besides seeing so much, crazy enough, I’ve enjoyed the road tripping hours in the car looking out the window and spending time together.

Favorite Mom Meme:

Oohhh the accuracy of this!!

Weekly Recap:

I liked keeping a pretty consistent blogging schedule this week. The end of the month always has some of my favorite posts:

We’re headed home, and I will fill you in with the details of our trip soon!

Have a great weekend,

8 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {#213}

  1. Oh that meme is hysterical! So on point! Cannot wait to read more about your trip- don’t blame you at all for loving the car time together- you always enjoy every moment 🙂

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