Posted in Amazon, Friday Favorites, Meals and Recipes, Travel

Friday Favorites {#211}

Hello and happy Friday!

Well, I feel like Fridays are arriving quicker than I like. It’s the opposite of during the school year…I’d like for time to slow down a bit.

As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites.

Here are some favorites from the week:


Usually, I write a whole post recapping our trips and vacations, but I just didn’t have time this week. So here’s a quick run down of what we did when we went to visit family.

We usually go to KC at the end of the summer, but just how our summer is this year along with high school sports starting in July, I wanted to make sure we got our trip in sooner rather than later.

Last Wednesday, the kids had 9:00 dental cleanings, and then we left around 11:00 for KC. It was a nine hour drive, per usual, but thankfully, it was uneventful!

Honestly, we didn’t do a ton which I think we all really appreciated. Coming off the school year and still being a bit tired, it was nice to just hang out and relax.

We’ve played Left, Right, Center, but my mom LCR Wild, and it was a fun twist on the game.

I definitely recommend it.

My mom’s neighborhood was having their annual garage sale, and the kids helped out a bit..or did they?!

Hayden went to the driving range a couple of times.

We went to the Royals game on Friday night. They were playing the Seattle Mariners. Since moving away from KC, I obviously don’t get to see them play a lot(in person), but we’ve attended a few games through the years with the kids.

When the kids were probably six or seven, we went to a game, and they were losing in the first inning 10-0 (or maybe more!). Well, this team is better but the game started off the same way. They were down 7-0 at the end of the first inning, and then 8-0. Eventually, they started to chip away at the score, and we wondered if they’d make a comeback.

Well…they did! A walk off win was very exciting to see in person.

Bobby Witt, Jr. (#7) is definitely one of the favorite players.

Every Friday night of the season, there are fireworks (win or lose)…and they are even better after a big win!

There was a little bit of rain in the middle of the game, but otherwise, it was a really nice evening of baseball.

On Saturday, we took Crumbl cookies to my dad’s house.

While at my dad’s house, we watched the final episode of Wheel of Fortune with Pat Sajak as the host. This has always been a favorite show of mine!

Then, we went to Gma’s house for dinner, and we watched the UK baseball game and then played some more LRC Wild. Just like last year, Hayden is very into watching these games. We got home on Sunday just in time to go to the last super regional game with Travis and cousins.

It was a really great visit seeing family and enjoying some downtime.

Again, thankfully the drive home was pretty easy, but with only me driving, I was ready to get home!

When I got home, I was excited to see that my Trader Joe’s peonies had bloomed even more than before we’d left.

While we were in KC, we missed our “Homerversary”…

…so we got him DQ ice cream on Monday night. He’s five(ish) now, and we love him so.

After his dessert, we took him for a walk.

Fave Follow:

Do you follow Kara on Insta? (@karaskorner123) She’s a hoot!

Fave ‘fit:

I bought this set from Amazon a couple of weeks ago, and it’s great!! I ordered my regular size, and it looks like the price has dropped a bit…to less than $26. I’ve worn it a couple of times, including to summer school on Monday.

Now I kind of want to buy the shorts version I’ve saved as well.

I did get a little pool time this week…even though it was brief. Of course the one afternoon I could go, the pool closed early for a swim meet.

I’ve been on a reading roll lately…including listening to two audio books. I used my nine hours each way to KC wisely. Real talk: those are the first two audio books (The Office BFF’s and Birdie & Harlow) I’ve ever listened to…and they were both memoirs (ish), so that’s why I chose them. I’m still not sure I can focus and follow the plot of a book while listening.

Favorite dinner:

On Tik Tok a few weeks ago, I saw this simple recipe shared. I buy the “cook in the bag” pork loins pretty often, but this person took the pork loin out of the bag, added it to the slow cooker, poured in a can of beef broth, and a can of water and cooked on low for 6 hours.

Then, you do need to drain the meat, but we put it on sliders with some BBQ sauce, and shredded mozzarella.

This was my easy and delicious dinner the other night with a microwave baked potato and watermelon:

Favorite Mom Meme:


Bonus Fave: Flashback Friday

I love this memory from 2013. The kids shared a bedroom for their first 3.5 years of their lives. We had four bedrooms, so we turned their nursery into the guest bedroom, and then they each got the remaining rooms.

Hadley hugged Hayden goodnight and said, “See you next time!” before going to her own room the first night.

Weekly Recap:

I had a couple of posts this week:

What are your weekend plans? I’m sure we’ll celebrate Trav on Father’s Day, and I hope to start crossing some things off my summer “to do” list and maybe get in a little pool time.

I hope to have another Summer Sunday post this weekend too.

Thanks for reading,


9 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {#211}

  1. That 9 hour car ride – so exhausting! You know, I was thinking this week that it takes a few weeks to come down off the school year and with you being gone, you still really are trying to get in your groove. Isn’t it crazy how long it takes?

    We have road construction going on all around us. One way the train tracks are being worked on, one way the entire road will be shut down for 2 weeks (the route I take to The Paddock Shops – my fave mall), and then the main drag by our house is down to one lane. Every time I leave the house it exhausts me this summer! I think I need to stay home, work on home projects, and get everything delivered! Ha!

    Ok, I love that black set! I’m wondering how long the pants would be on me. And, I love the shorts set. I realized yesterday I can separate my Aerie set and I now have hot pink shorts. So, sets are very practical!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree…I think this May felt extra busy and then emotional with kids finishing middle school…& we jumped right into going out of town, etc
      I have a couple sets from my fave shop SSYS & I like that I can wear top with jeans , mix and match, etc
      I ordered the Amazon shorts set, but I don’t think it will arrive for a week/


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