Posted in Kids, School

Middle School Memories


Well, a week from today, it will officially be summer for us.

How is middle school already over for my two?

While they still have a few more days, they turn in their Chromebooks today which means it’s pretty much fun and games the next couple of days.

You know I like a recap, so I thought it would be fun to have all of the middle school memories in one place.

Here’s a stroll down memory lane.

6th grade:

The week before school started, the kids went to the 6th grade orientation week. They were very nervous, but the nerves eased up with each passing day.

I think this was a three day session, and on the last day, they picked up their schedules. There were two sixth grade teams, and the counselor said they always put twins on the same team, but not in the same classes. Well, a lot of their friends were on the other team, and my mama heart was very nervous for them. That being said, they were kind of forced out of their shell and did a good job making new friends….and that orientation definitely helped them feel comfortable at a new school.

Notice the mask around Hayden’s neck…They started the school year wearing masks.

First day of 6th grade:

They look like babies!!

Hayden started the school year on the cross county team. It’s crazy to think that while he loved running, we didn’t know what to expect as he started running with middle school runners.

In late September, Travis ended up with Covid. Then, Hayden had it followed by Hadley. They all ended up being home for around ten days…remember all the Covid regulations?!? Right before our fall break in early October, the kids went back to school.

Since Hayden missed his school cross country pics, my brother-in-law took some of Hayden, and they turned out amazing.

Hadley made the dance team and started going to Young Life/Wyldlife which has been an amazing group for her.

In the winter, Hayden made the basketball team.

The 6th grade team ended up runner-up in the district tournament which was a amazing because they had a tough start to the season.

We survived our first middle school science fair projects.

On March 16, 2022, they finally went to school without a mask…and sent me the selfie smiles to prove it.

Track started after spring break.

In the state meet, they both ran the 4×800 relay.

They accomplished a lot and had so much fun. I also realized how much I enjoyed track meets. Track is such a mix of kids and such a variety of events that I think it’s one of the best sports for a student athlete.

May 25, 2022 was the last day of 6th grade. We They officially survived the first year of middle school.

At the end of the year, they obliged with an end of 6th grade interview for me.


In 7th grade, they didn’t get their schedules until the first day of school…and were surprised to find that they had gym class together. haha

In 7th grade, foreign language begins, and Hayden chose Spanish while Hadley chose French.

Hadley joined Student Council and continued with Wydlife.

Hayden started cross country, and Travis became the coach.

My brother-in-law took the team pics, and he got another good one of Hayden.

Hayden had a great season, and it was fun watching Travis and Hayden together.

In October of 7th grade year, Hadley got her braces off…

….and tried out for the volleyball team. A group of her friends decided they wanted to play, and they all made the team.

We had so much fun watching them play, and I think they surprised themselves with how good they were.

The girls finally got to experience a school dance! In January of 7th grade, the school organized a school wide dance (mixer) with music and games.

I worked the check in table, and the girls were so nervous when they checked in. I just think they didn’t know what to expect.

Hayden opted to go to a basketball game with his friends instead of go to the dance. Are we surprised?!?!

They completed another science fair project.

In January, the 7th grade basketball season started for Hayden….

…and he got his braces off!

They both went to the 7th grade Valentine’s Day dance. Again, Hadley was excited, and Hayden was hesitant. Hadley pretty much drags him through life. haha

Track started in the spring.

In 6th grade, Hadley ran the 800 and 400….but by 7th grade, she really upped her speed and started running the 200 (as well as the 400).

Hayden continued running the 1600 as well as the 3200 and 800.

In the state meet, Hadley ran the 400, Hayden ran the mile, and they both ran a couple of relays.

I wrote a 7th grade recap post at the end of the year.

The last day of school was May 26, 2023.

Hadley went to Wyldlife camp last summer, and she loved every minute.


While they are never super excited for school to start, at least they knew they were “top dogs,” and there weren’t any nerves.

They were in the same gym class again as well as the same Language Arts class. Oh…the stories I get to hear…(mostly, Hadley filling me in on Hayden and his friends’ shenanigans!)

Like all the other years, Hayden (and Travis) had cross country in the fall…and another great pic thanks to my brother-in-law.

Hayden ended up winning the end of season county cross country meet, and we were so happy for him.

He had a strong showing at the state meet placing in the top 10.

The kids always attended sporting events throughout middle school, but it seemed like they didn’t want to miss anything in 8th grade. They had fun supporting their friends.

Hadley had another fun season of volleyball.

We had 8th grade night!

In January, Hayden started his 8th grade basketball season.

Of course, the season concluded with an 8th grade night for him.

I do feel like these seasons went by in a blink.

This year, they went to the cotillion dances. I loved hearing a recap of each dance.

With each passing dance, they were less nervous.

And, of course, they’ve had one more track season.

The season is wrapping up, but they’ve accomplished their goals this year. They’ve both improved on their times, they’ve qualified for state in events that they’ve been working on, and Hayden won the district 1600 and 3200 races last week while Hadley’s 4×400 relay team is one of the top in the state.

Hayden also ran in the Dream Mile a couple of weeks ago which was a major goal for him during his 8th grade season.

While he was doing that, Hadley was at the 8th grade dance. Of course, she had lots of fun.

The state meet is up next.

School Pics:

I’ve shared these before, but the difference in the kids’ pictures from year to year blows my mind.

Some other thoughts:

I know I share a lot about sports and what they accomplish, but they’ve accomplished a lot in academics too. I firmly believe that the middle school years are a time to prepare for high school….and we’ve had struggles and celebrations.

They’ve had to learn study habits, time management, how to advocate for themselves and many other life skills.

While they know hard work pays off in athletics, they’ve learned that same lesson in academics. They’ve been on the honor roll every quarter, tried various elective classes, joined clubs, and more.

Overall, I think they will look back on their middle school years with some fond memories. I remind them that the middle school years can be really tough for some kids, and while it hasn’t been smooth sailing for them all the time, they really have learned lessons, grown, matured, made decisions, and formed friendships.

I’m thankful for the teachers and coaches who have championed and supported the kids through the years.

Now people are asking me if the kids are ready for high school and my response has been that it’s more about the fact that they are over middle school! (and very ready for summer)

Next week, they have their 8th grade promotion ceremony and a pool party with friends.

Then, it will officially be summer!

11 thoughts on “Middle School Memories

  1. Oh they have grown so much! Isn’t it so amazing to look back over the last few years and see how far they have some and we all have since COVID and all of those darn regulations? Makes you grateful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Middle school goes so fast and they change so much! You are in for so much fun in high school. I think they are ready – or will be after the summer. I hope they have the best summer. And, I hope you do, too.


  3. Such a fun trip down memory lane. Kids change so much in middle school! My kids were always ready to move on whenever they finished a certain stage/school.

    Liked by 1 person

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