Posted in Monthly Musings

Monthly Musings

Hello and happy Thursday!

Where has the month of April gone? I always love Patty and Holly’s Monthly Musing link up answering questions on a given topic.

This month’s topic is “all things spring.”

I’ve shared before that spring isn’t really a season on my radar. By spring, I’m just ready to skip to summer!

That being said…

1. Favorite thing about spring?

More sunshine! I do appreciate when it stays lighter longer, the weather warms up and the grass turns green.

I love track season with the kids. Truly, until the kids started middle school, I never thought much about track. It’s really turned into a family affair with Travis helping coach the kids, the kids running, and I bring snacks and cheer from the sideline.

Something else I really love is that the kids run different events. Hayden loves distance, and Hadley runs the shorter races.

I also love spring break. One of the things I like about spring break is that we have some time at home, and we usually try to spend a few days somewhere nearby but also new to us. This year, we had a longer trip to DC, but we still had some days at home.

…and another favorite is spring traditions….

2. What are your spring traditions?

Keeneland in the spring is one of my favorite traditions. Oaks/Derby time is really special too.

3. Favorite spring outfits?

After spring break, I’m all about wearing dresses when I can…

…and cardigans. I have this one in three colors, and it’s still my all time fave.

4. Favorite springtime meal?

I like when we grill out in the spring…the summer too, but it’s hotter outside then. Side dishes for dinner seem easier in the spring….veggies, fresh fruit, pasta salad, and baked beans are easy and our faves.

My kids always request these “asparagus fries,” and we all love them.

5. Spring rain…love or loathe?

I love rain anytime of the year. Of course, days and days of rain isn’t ideal, but I like a cozy afternoon rain where I can watch a movie or read a book. If it’s not raining too hard, I like to sit on my front porch and read a book while it rains.

6. Favorite spring flower?

Peonies! I love when I can find these at Trader Joe’s.

7. Do you get seasonal allergies? Remedies please!

Yes! Everyone in my family has them. When I first moved to Kentucky twenty years ago, I kept getting sinus infections because of my allergies. I still get sinus infections, but now I’m pretty good about using nasal spray and allergy medicine year round.

8. Favorite springtime beverage?

I’m kind of boring in the beverage department. I like a glass of white wine, but once the weather warms up, I will start drinking White Claws or Trulys.

Trader Joe’s has the Rose’ “Simpler Wines” which are refreshing as well.

9. Do you change your home decor for spring?

I decorate for Easter…

…and then I change out of a few things after Easter for Keeneland and Oaks/Derby.

I also put out fresh flowers whenever I can…

…and switch my candle to light, fresh, seasonal scents.

10. Lemon meringue pie or strawberry shortcake?

Strawberry shortcake all the way!

These questions definitely have me in the mood for spring. Thankfully, our weather has been pretty nice the past couple of weeks!

This time of the year, it’s crazy to think that the next time I write a Monthly Musings post, school will be out for the summer!

15 thoughts on “Monthly Musings

  1. Flowers in big Mason jars! Ah! I currently have that going on and it brings me joy! I need to make those asparagus fries. I also need to make that strawberry shortcake. I agree on all these things. I love a spring rain. It’s almost Friday!


  2. Peonies are so pretty…I love them too! I also like to switch out my candles and wax melts for “fresh” scents in the spring. All the bloggers were very opinionated today about the strawberry vs. lemon dessert! I picked lemon! :)

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