Posted in Amazon, Seasonal, Travel

Summer Sundays #4

Hello and happy Sunday!

I hope you are having a great weekend.

‘Tis the season for travel! I’m keeping up with my Summer Sunday series to share some of my favorite travel items.

Here are a few of my “go to” items when we travel:

These TSA approved travel bottles are perfect for lotion, shampoo, conditioner, and more.

I bought them two years ago when we went to Mexico, and we still use them.

I bought these clear bags with handles for the same trip, and again, we still use them. We put various things in them including snacks, toiletries, chargers and more.

Hadley loves these cute toiletry bags for a a variety of her needs.

You know I love my packing cubes. I’ve shared them many times before, and we have them in blue, teal, and gray.

You know I don’t leave home without my eye gels! I have been using these, but I still love these gold ones…and they are probably easier to travel with as I can take a few packs with me rather than the jar.

I actually purchased this pack of toothbrushes when I started my Invisalign journey, but they have come in very handy for travel. Everyone in my family has one, and they know which one is their color of toothbrush.

This travel mirror with LED lights comes in handy.

I’m new to these sponges, but I love them. I brought a few with us on our trip to Washington, DC, and I use them at home as well. I liked packing things that when I use them, I throw them away which means I come home with less than I packed!

I bought this belt bag last year, and it’s still one I use especially when we travel. It holds quite a bit, and since it’s a cross body, it’s easy to wear and not have to carry or keep up with it.

This mini speaker isn’t a “must have” for travel, but I got it for Hadley last year (maybe for her birthday?), and it comes in handy for listening to music at the beach or hanging out.

I gave Travis this charging strip in his Christmas stocking a couple of years ago, and it’s great because you can charge so many things at once.

One of the first times we actually used it was spring of 2023 when our power went out. We went to my brother’s house a couple of time to charge everything, and we can do so when we plugged in this charging strip.

This travel bag is great for keeping all of the chargers and cords organized.

We’re off on a fun trip this week, and are using most of these items.

What are some of your travel “must haves?”

{This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. Thanks for supporting my blog.}