Posted in Five things

Five Things in My…


I was tidying up a bit the other day. As I straightened up my bedside table, I thought it would be a good time do do another “5 things” post.

Four years ago, I hadn’t been blogging long, and I’d written this Let’s Look Bedside Table post. My phone notified me that the post was “getting lots of attention…” and I was shocked to see that almost one thousand people had read that post. Just a funny memory leading me to today’s post…

I still have the same bedside table…with the same picture frames. I think I will always have a stack of books and magazines next to my bed to read. I do have a different lamp (at At Home store fine). A coaster and tv remote round out what on top of my bedside table.

Here are 5 things that are in my bedside table:

All kinds of “important” stuff. haha

1. Bookmark

In the top skinny drawer I have a few things including this cute heart bookmark. It attaches to the corner of a page. It came in a pack of six, and I put one in my mom’s Christmas stocking. Cute, right?

2. Chapstick/Lotion

Every night before bed, I apply some Chapstick and hand cream. It’s a habit.

3. Bible and Pens

I have a variety of pens in that top drawer, and then my Bible in the bigger middle drawer.

I’m pretty private in my faith, but I got a Bible a few years ago, and I figured my bedside table is a good safe place for it.

Three years ago, I used the Bible app to listen and read the Bible in a year. I was really glad that I did that. The Bible is still usually a part of my daily routine; I use the pens to mark scripture and make notes.

4. Bible Study

In December, I saw a December “A Season of Advent” Bible plan on Pinterest. I printed it and bought this Bible Study Journal, and I enjoyed incorporating that plan into my daily routine.

I’m using this New Beginnings plan to guide me through January.

5. Workout Sheet

At the end of 2023, Bodi sent me an end of year review with my workouts, and the link to this workout tracker. I thought it would be fun to have this visual to see what I accomplish this year.

Admittedly, I’m off to a slow start in January. Being sick threw me for a loop, and I’m much better about working out during the school year. I got back to it on Monday, and am hoping to finish January off strong.

My bedside table is a good spot for this because I can fill in the day before bed…and it won’t get thrown away by accident.

Also in the middle drawer, I have a couple books I want to read and/or hold on to. The bottom drawer holds a spare blanket…and that’s about it.

My bedside table used to be a disaster, but a few years ago, I really cleaned it out and got organized. I used to have lots of pictures, cards, papers, etc. and now those have a spot elsewhere. I decided if I wanted to keep pictures and cards, that they’d need to go in photo boxes, so at least everything is contained!

What’s in your bedside table?

Posted in Five things, School

Five Things in My…


I’ve been wanting to share another “Five Things” post, but my house isn’t in its “normal” state thanks to fall and now Christmas decorations.

So…today, I’m sharing…

school bag

I got this bag at Target about three years ago, and it’s held up nicely. I like that it’s big, but not too big, and it has an inside and outside pocket. I always leave my badge and school keys in the inside pocket and not my purse. I want to keep things separate in case I lose one or the other.

So, here’s what’s in my school bag.

1. Lesson plan book

I have had a lesson plan book in my bag for over 20 years! This is my third year using a Happy Planner, and it’s the second year that I’m using the smaller version of the Happy Planner.

I prefer the vertical column layout with the dates going down the left hand side, so this one is perfect. I use the columns for each hour of the school day, but then I use the far right column to remind myself of meetings, appointments, and the kids’ activities.

I love using Happy Planner stickers to brighten up each week in my planner (and on my desk calendar too!)

2. Folders

Of course, I have a few folders in my bag. The blue and white one I’ve had for years, and I mostly use it for my blogging calendar and other personal papers. I should probably get a new set of these folders as this one definitely is showing some wear and tear.

Other folders usually get switched out depending on my needs or what meetings/ training sessions I’m attending.

3. Notepad(s)

Sometimes, when I feel like I have a lot to do, I use these bigger notepads to make a big list either day by day, or I categorized activities. I bought this colorful pack of legal pads, and it’s lasted me over three years! I’m on my last pad of paper.

Of course, I also use the note pads for note-taking during meetings or professional development sessions.

4. Pencil pouch

Ahh…this pencil pouch has been in my bag for over four years. I like that the front part has a spot for extra storage. I keep it filled with markers, highlighters, pens, pencils, and a pad or two of sticky notes. I’m always prepared!

5. Book/Computer

ok — so I lumped these two together. haha

I usually have a book that I’m reading to help with English classes, and often times I have my school computer in my bag. Sometimes, I leave it at school if I’m not going to need it at home, but it’s typically in my bag more times than not.

What about you? What are your essentials that you keep in your school or work bag?

Posted in Five things, Home Decor

Five Things in My…


Well, last week, I shared my first “Five Things” post highlighting some things in my kitchen.

Today, I’m sharing another post…but I’m still in my kitchen.

The post last week included items in the cooking part of my kitchen, and today, I’m sharing the other half of the kitchen.

1. Hutch

This hutch was my dads grandma’s hutch. He doesn’t know the history, but he remembers it at her house when he was a kid. He said it’s at least 80 years old.

I’ve only had it a few years, and we actually rented a small U-haul trailer to bring it back after a visit. I just didn’t have anywhere to store glassware and other odds and ends, so I appreciate this gift.

I’ve thought about having it painted, but I don’t know.

This little nook in our kitchen would be perfect for a coffee bar/wine fridge, and that’s on our somewhat short list to do. I have another wall this hutch could go on if we end up doing that.

In the hutch, I have glasses, some Bourbon (fun fact: Travis loathes bourbon…won’t touch it…but it tends to be a common gift in the horse biz…lol), a few personal touches, and then I store place settings and seasoning things in the drawers.

Anyway, it’s a sentimental piece that we have in our kitchen.

2. Woven basket

My mom was cleaning out her garage (I think) and found this basket that she’d made years and years ago. I typically keep it on top of the hutch (see photo above), but I’ve used it to store dinner plates when we’ve had people over.

3. Window pane/shutters

We’ve lived in our house for nine years now, and when we first moved in, I wanted to hang a window pane for a farmhouse vibe. We found this window at Re-store I believe. Travis hung it for me, and I added the wreath.

There’s a story with the shutters. They aren’t actually shutters. The previous owners had taken down swinging doors that went from the hall to the living room. We found them in the garage, and Travis cut one in half for me. I painted it, and he hung it for me next to the window pane.

I will say that after living in this house for nine years, I kind of want to clean things up a bit…but I know that takes a vision and time (and probably money)…haha. I still like the farmhouse vibe, but I do want to update some things and maybe simplify some of our walls. We have a gallery wall on the other side of the kitchen that I’d like to simplify one day as well.

4. Wine rack

This wine rack was a gift from my Gma when Travis and I bought our first house. It’s from Pier One, and I still love it.

5. Wine bottle

How fun is this wine bottle? For Trav’s birthday, one of our friends gifted it to him. There’s a local artist (@holidayroaddesigns) who hosts painting parties and designs and paints bottles as gifts.

This bottle has his initials, UK and horse references.

So that wraps up a peek at the other side of our kitchen. I don’t know which area I will tackle next, but I’ll move on from the kitchen. haha