Posted in Memes

Monday Memes

Hello and happy Monday! How is this the last Monday in June?! How?!

Well, besides being the last Monday in June, it’s also my wedding anniversary with Travis.

N I N E T E E N years. Wow. I’m not sure where the time has gone, but I appreciate the time more year after year.

Also, did you catch my Sunday post all about some of my favorite travel items?

Well, you know I like to share a few funnies every month, so here are a few that “stopped my scroll” on Insta, and made me laugh.


Listen, you’ve been warned:



Truly, the heat does me in quicker than it used to!


I really do…and even more so in the summer…when I know I have some extra time to savor it.


I saw this one and got to thinking…I didn’t even start drinking coffee until a couple of years after the kids were born…I think. I’m not sure how I survived the lack of sleep without it, but we didn’t get our first coffee pot until a couple of years after the kids were born.

Hadley and friends like to go to Starbucks, but they definitely don’t get coffee…yet.




Ooof…that’s right…especially for the new HVAC unit we just purchased!




The older I get, the more this one is true…haha!

Just let me do the bare minimum and be a good person!


This one literally made me LOL. I love seeing people charge for car payments, Costco and more!


Me…especially before I’ve had my coffee.

I hope these started your week off with a laugh!

Come back on Wednesday when I’m sharing the books I read this month…your girl was on a roll with her reading.

7 thoughts on “Monday Memes

  1. Yeah I don’t remember anyone drinking coffee in high school growing up; college yes, but not high school. I remember not drinking coffee in high school and all the older women telling me “just wait ’til you have kids; then you’ll drink coffee!”… but that never happened either.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I definitely look forward to my morning coffee. My first few years teaching, I remember stopping every morning for a coke to take to school with me . I guess I’ve always needed some kind of caffeine haha


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