Posted in Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites {#210}

Hello and happy Friday!

This was a good, solid first full week of summer for us!

As always, I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika for this week’s Friday Favorites.

Here are some favorites from the week:

Honestly, this post might be a bit boring…but that means I’ve been able to get some things done to kickoff summer.

I organized my bathroom, got an oil change, finished some school stuff, the kids had dental cleaning appointments, I got some workouts in as well as a few other things.

A couple of days this week I’ve spent a couple of hours at the pool. It’s been nice to read, chat with mom friends, and relax a bit.

I started a new show on Hulu…Under the Bridge. While watching the first episode, I wasn’t sure if I’d like it, but then I was hooked. I only have two more episodes to go.

I started the week downloading the Habit app just to have some simple goals for the summer.

My daily goals/habits are: workout (4-5 days a week), drink 80 oz of water every day, aim for 100g of protein daily, and read for 30 minutes.

Most of my “to do” list for the summer includes tidying up some spaces. I had three tubs in my bathroom: one for my skincare stuff, one for lotion, air freshener, etc. and then one more for extras like when I buy new shampoo and conditioner but don’t need it for a while.

I decided to put all of my skincare and lotion in this organizer, and then I just have one bin under my sink for extras and things I don’t need very often.

I made it all work, and it’s made my morning and nighttime routines a bit easier.

Hadley came to school with me, and helped me finish up my classroom on Monday. Afterwards, we went to Sonic, and I got a Diet Cherry Limeade with Nerds.

(old pic, but we’ve been on a Sonic kick lately….nothing says “summer” more than a Cherry Limeade)

I love “snack plates” for lunch in the summer.

This orzo pasta salad from Trader Joe’s is so good. One of my favorite lunches from last summer was a thin bagel, just a little veggie cream cheese, thinly sliced cucumbers and a sprinkle of salt. So good!

Finally! My Trader Joe’s finally had peonies. I hope to get another bouquet or two before they are gone for the summer.

I made my book trackers for June, and they are saved in a highlight on Instagram. Feel free to use them to tell me what you are reading; don’t forget to tag me 🙂

Father’s Day:

We still have a little over a week until Father’s Day, but if you need a few ideas, I have been sharing some this week on Instagram. I have them saved in my “Amazon” highlight on Insta.

A few ideas include: smart garage control (Travis received this as a gift for Christmas, and we love it), Adidas sneakers, bird feeder with camera, grilling pans, Kanga cooler (one of Trav’s gifts last year), swim trunks and more.

Now, we need to get shopping for Trav. haha

Favorite Mom Meme:

I wish I didn’t relate to this meme…haha!

Bonus Fave: Flashback Friday:

This 2016 memory stopped me in my track…They’ll be driving real cars so enough!

Share Our Lives:

Well, it’s already time for our Share Our Lives link up. This month’s topic is: foods to make for someone else.

Weekly Recap:

I had a few posts this week:

Well, this post was longer than I thought it would be for a “boring” week!!

I should have a Summer Sundays post this weekend too.

Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you have a great summer weekend!

9 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {#210}

  1. I need to tackle some spaces! I think I will do better if I make a list. I love that organizer for the bathroom. Your peony color is gorgeous. Mine only had light pink. I like your weekly goals and they seem attainable!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My TJ had light pink too but they were all mostly bloomed, so I wanted ones that would hopefully last a bit longer.
      I want to get “back on track a bit” but not be too hard on myself so I chose goals I think I can do.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is making me want to move on some of my tidying projects but not feeling it yet- ha! Glad your summer is off to a productive and relaxing start!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I would love to hear about how you (and your family) go about getting enough protein. I have two high school boys in cross country this year – one is pretty good about it and one is NOT.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am no expert- but I’ve just chipped away at eating more protein in the last year.
      I do think it’s harder since I typically do intermittent fasting and don’t eat breakfast.
      Both of my kids run / do athletics and now that they will be in high school, they’ve want to eat a bit more protein but my son is better at that than my daughter. He loves eggs and bacon, so that helps.
      For me, I also had to realize it’s ok to have a random few slices on lunchmeat while making dinner to just get a bit more protein in. Maybe I can write a post about what I eat but it’s pretty boring. We also all love Core Power and premier protein drinks so that gets me 26-30g. I also make sure to have meat for lunch and dinner. Honestly, I think I’m supposed to have 120g of protein a day…it does feel like a full time job eating protein 🤣

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