Posted in Inspiration, Let's look

Let’s Look


Well, I survived the first day back to school in ten days, and it was a good one. As much as I love a break, it’s always good to get back in a routine.

It’s already the second Wednesday of the month, so I’m linking up with Shay and Erika for Let’s Look.

So far this year, we’ve looked at:

  • How we clean our closets in January
  • Little things we do every single day in February
  • What’s in our grocery cart in March

This month’s topic is let’s lookour daily quiet time/prayer time.

This topic got me thinking a bit about my morning quiet time and when it started. Quiet morning time is such an important part of my routine and the “need” for it started when the kids were babies. While I’ve always needed to “ease” into my morning, having two crying babies wake me was not the best way for me to start the day. So, once the kids were on a predictable schedule, I made a point to get up at least a half hour before them.

The years really are short…because on spring break, there were mornings I was up for hours before them and even I was sleeping in a bit! haha

It’s just nice to start my morning with a cup of coffee, eye masks, and reading some blogs!

Anyway, a few years ago…probably 2018 or so, I started incorporating in a bit more “faith” into my morning quiet time routine. I try to start the morning in the Bible app with the verse of the day and the videos and texts that come with it. It’s only about five minutes, but a good way to start the day.

Yesterday’s verse:

I’ve had my Bible for a few years. A couple of years ago, I used the Bible app to guide me through the entire Bible in a year. I was glad I did that, but obviously I could re-read it multiple times for better understanding.

In December, I was scrolling Pinterest and saw this reading plan:

…which prompted me to buy this Bible study journal and these pens

…and now I’ve been doing a new reading plan every month. Like the morning, this only takes a few minutes, but I usually do this quiet time when I get home from school. This journal is set up using the SOAP method with space for “scripture, observation, application, and prayer.”

I like that there’s a habit tracker which I started in January.

This is my April reading plan:


I tend to be more private with my faith, but once we found a home church over five years ago, I just wanted to know and learn more…for my kids and for myself. Also, for me, my learning style is to take things a little at a time. I like to read, learn, reflect, and write. I guess it’s the teacher in me…wanting to learn, but also wanting to have the time to process information, reflect, respond, and apply to life.

So, that’s a look at my daily quiet/prayer time.

8 thoughts on “Let’s Look

  1. Those are great reading plans! For years I would use something similar to write out scripture; both of those remind me of what I did. Thanks for sharing! Also, I’m so glad you found a church home; that is so important!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am also more on the “quiet” side with my faith, so I understand where you’re coming from. I’m going to take a look at that journal…I like the habit tracking!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks for sharing this! I saw that verse yesterday as well on the Bible app and it meant a lot to me, so it was good to see a reminder of it today on your blog. Have a good day!

    Liked by 1 person

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