Posted in Memes

Monday Memes

Hello and happy Monday!

How was your weekend? We had a pretty good one. Overall, it was low-key, but we were pretty busy with Hayden’s basketball tournament.

Did you catch my Share 4 Somethings post on Saturday?

I can’t believe it, but it’s the last Monday of the month, so I’m sharing some memes that made me laugh this month.

This is me…most Sundays. haha

This one is definitely relatable too. By Friday, I’m just ready to be home and too tired to do much else. Saturday is usually spent at some athletic event or running errands…and then Sundays are for prepping for the week!

I feel seen.

I’m good about starting laundry, really good at letting laundry sit in the dryer for as long as possible…and the worst about putting it away. Please tell me I’m not the only one!

Just ask my kids!

This one feels like something I would say:

I never really thought about this, but it’s so true. Thankfully, if I can snag a 3:30 or 4:00 appointment, it’s doable.

Why is everything so expensive?

Thursday is February 29th! Go ahead and jump to conclusions. haha

Well, I hope these started your week off with a laugh or two. I hope to post pretty regularly this week.

Thanks for reading,

9 thoughts on “Monday Memes

  1. Very cute! I love to fold laundry, it used to be a guaranteed quiet time when I was homeschooling because the kids knew if they came in to talk to me I was putting them to work.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My laundry has been sitting in the dryer since Sunday. Sometimes it sits in the washer too long and I have to wash again 🫣


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