Posted in Share 4 Somethings

Share 4 Somethings

Happy Saturday!

To start off the weekend, I’m linking up with Jennifer for Share 4 Somethings.

I love this quick little recap of the month.

This month I


Well, of course Valentine’s Day is all about love. We didn’t do much, but it’s the thought that counts.

I loved seeing the kids dressed up for their third cotillion dance.

I always love watching kids play sports that they love like basketball and volleyball.

And…Travis, Hayden and I saw the One Love movie last weekend…and it was interesting.


We accomplished finishing up Hadley’s room, and it looks so nice.

…and I’ve been pretty good about accomplishing my February workouts.


We celebrated the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl. Yay!

This week we also celebrated 8th grade night for Hayden and the basketball team.


I definitely noticed that it’s staying daylight longer, and this week it has definitely felt like spring. Secretly, I’d like one more good snow, but since it will be March this time next week, I’m also ok with continued warmer temps and sunshine.

I hope you have a great rest of your weekend. On Monday, I’m sharing some of my favorite memes that I’ve seen this month.

8 thoughts on “Share 4 Somethings

  1. March is often our snowiest month so I’m actually hoping it’s not this year and we’ve seen the last of the snow! LOL I love that giant Hayden head Hadley’s holding.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry I missed this on Saturday! I was taken aback this weekend when I realized Valentine’s Day was only a week ago. Wow did February fly! I just looked at my weather app and now it’s saying chance of snow on Friday! I would take it – March 1st! I don’t know how long ago it was but I remember a huge snow the first weekend of March. It can happen. What a crazy year on so many counts!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jen, I enjoyed hearing about your 4 Somethings. Secretly I could go for one more good snow too. But I’m so excited for Spring 🌼
    Visiting today from Share 4 Somethings


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