Posted in Let's look, Me

Let’s Look

Hello and happy Valentine’s Day!

While we don’t do much for Valentine’s Day…when it’s on a Wednesday when we have school and then sports in the evening, we really don’t do much!

When I was planning dinners this week, I knew that last night would be our only weeknight dinner together for the week, so I asked the kids their favorites to have for dinner. So, last night we had salmon (Hadley’s fave) with Bob Evans mashed potatoes while Hayden enjoyed some wings from Wing Zone 😆

This morning, I made the kids cinnamon swirl crumb cake for breakfast. Nothing says, “I love you” like cake for breakfast. Tonight, I will give them them a few gifts and Trav his card.

Anyway, I’m linking up with Shay and Erika for Let’s Look.

In January, we looked at how we clean our closets.

This month’s topic is let’s looklittle things we do every single day.

I feel like I do a million little things every single day. Here’s a quick list:

  • Morning coffee
  • Light candles
  • Read
  • Respond to texts and emails
  • Pack my lunch
  • Skin care – AM and PM
  • Brush teeth – AM and PM
  • Make the bed
  • Charge my phone, Apple watch, computer
  • Remind kids of what needs to be done – homework, practices, other details like who is picking them up from practices, check grades, etc.
  • Kiss everyone goodbye as I leave for school.
  • Update the notes app on my phone for my daily and weekly to do’s
  • Read blogs
  • Tidy up
  • Bible study
  • Let Homer out 10 times (fill up his food and water bowl) (Of course, I’m not the only one in the house to do this)
  • Petting/snuggling with Homer
  • Drive kids around
  • Get the mail
  • Order things – Target pick up, Amazon, etc.
  • Returns to UPS and other errands (depending on the day)
  • Water house plants
  • Refill my water tumbler
  • Tidy up
  • Make dinner
  • Prepare coffee pot for morning coffee
  • Clean up dinner
  • House chores: dishes, dishwasher, laundry
  • Depending on the day–meal plan and place Kroger order
  • Shower
  • Shave my legs
  • Tidy up
  • Tell everyone goodnight /kiss on the cheek
  • Set alarm to wake up

Did you notice that I included “tidy up” in there a few times? That’s one of my “tricks” for not feeling completely overwhelmed during the week…I try to stay on top of keeping the house in order. Thankfully, Travis is very much that way too.

Of course, this doesn’t even include school where I update planner/calendar, write agenda and learning targets on the board, make copies, turn on flat panel and upload lessons, check Canvas, do hall and bathroom duty, prepare lessons, send and answer emails, write hall passes, answer the phone, oh…and teach!

I’m sure I’m forgetting some little things from my day, but those were ones that quickly popped in my mind.

What about you? What are a few little things you do every day?

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