Posted in Home Updates, Let's look

Let’s Look


The month of January is flying by…and it’s already time for Let’s Look with Erika and Shay.

This is one of my favorite link ups, and this month we’re looking athow we clean our closets.

I know I’m not the only one, but once the new year hits, I’m ready to purge the pantry, closets, and drawers…and it’s a great time to get organized.

About a year and a half ago, I did a major closet purge and re-organization. I had let my closet get out of hand, and it took isolation in my bedroom for five days due to Covid for me to get it handled…haha

Thankfully, my closet is still in pretty decent shape. Some of that is because I still utilize two closets: the one in our bedroom and one of our hall closets.

When it was time to get organized, I took my closet section by section as to not feel too overwhelmed. I actually took the time to try things on, and if it didn’t fit or I didn’t like it, then it went in the donation pile. There weren’t many pieces of clothing that I threw away, but if something had a hole or a stain, I tossed it.

Another thing I bought was hangers, so that they all matched. My closet still pretty much has those matching hangers. My thought was twofold: one, that it would like nicer to have uniform hangers; and two: that if I wanted to use those hangers, I would kind of have to stick with the “one in, one out rule” to not let my closet get too overwhelmed.

To be honest, it’s probably time for another clean out, but nothing like what I needed to do in July 2022.

I still think one of the best things I bought were these clear acrylic dividers. I actually bought two six-packs, and I used them in both closets to keep jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and sweaters organized.

This is the pic I took of the finished product, and my closet still pretty much looks like this which makes me happy.

As we’ve been updating Hadley’s room, I had her do a closet clean out over winter break.

I didn’t take a before picture, but Sis really “leaned in” to tossing things and getting organized.

She actually has a really great closet…I’m kind of jealous.

Now, it looks more streamlined, and so much better!

We bought a few clear plastic bins at At Home, and we figured we could use them somehow.

On the top shelf, she has two bins filled with random things for spirit week or dress up days. That is kind of random, but very “on brand” for my spirited 8th grader. Honestly, I’d rather her keep leis, spirit sticks, tutus, etc. all together in one (or two) bin(s) where we know we can find these things rather than have to buy these things again in the future.

On the bottom shelf, she has a couple of boxes filled with photos and cards. These used to be on her bookshelf, but we got rid of it to make more space in her room.

The next two clear bins just have a couple of extra blankets. They could have just stayed folded on the shelf, but putting them in a bin ensures they have a spot and stay folded (read: smushed) in the bin.

The wire basket Hadley has had for years, and it used to sit on her desk. We got rid of most of the school supplies she doesn’t need, and decided to put her yearbooks and photo albums in it. Her new desk is actually a vanity, so we didn’t want as many school supplies on the vanity.

Lastly, the pink and white striped bin she has also had for years. It’s always housed her sheets, but we got rid of the sheets she didn’t want. Now she has a pair on her bed, and then an extra pair which is all she really needs.

We’re still figuring out wallpaper and what to hang on the walls, and then her room will be pretty much finished. I plan on sharing her room when it’s all complete. My friend did an amazing job sharing ideas, and I really appreciate it.

Hadley’s really loving her new space. 

Homer likes it too 😉

We have NTI day #2 today due to the bitterly cold temps…and more snow is on the way tomorrow! We’ve gone from 0 to 100 where winter is concerned!

9 thoughts on “Let’s Look

  1. Love a closet clean out and I wrote about mine today, too! Hadley’s looks great and I’m glad the acrylic dividers work so well for yours. I don’t really have a place where those would work for me. My problem is that a lot of my storage is too high for me to reach and Tom just suggested me getting a stool. I would need more white plastic or cloth bins and labels or I would really forget what was up there. Maybe I will do that?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have a couple clear zip totes that I leave in my other closet for off season clothes…and I tape a sticky note on the inside so I know what’s in them. I do have a stool for the closet, but thankfully I don’t need things that are up too high.


  2. What is NTI?
    I can’t even *think* about my closet :/ If it was *just* for storing clothes and shoes it would be o.k. but it also houses so many random things that I really don’t want to put any effort into it. That’s o.k., I have what I need and know where everything is and it’s big enough that I don’t have to use a dresser so I’m happy 🙂
    Looking forward to seeing the rest of the choices in Hailey’s room!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It stands for non-traditional instruction- so just online learning day
      I wish I had more space in my closet…sometimes things start piling up on the floor and I know I need to take care of business haha


  3. What a fun link up! What day of the month is this one? I love those clear acrylic dividers, I have dividers on my husbands side of the closet but they don’t have the panel divider and always fall down! This one would be awesome!


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