Posted in Five things

Five Things in My…


I was tidying up a bit the other day. As I straightened up my bedside table, I thought it would be a good time do do another “5 things” post.

Four years ago, I hadn’t been blogging long, and I’d written this Let’s Look Bedside Table post. My phone notified me that the post was “getting lots of attention…” and I was shocked to see that almost one thousand people had read that post. Just a funny memory leading me to today’s post…

I still have the same bedside table…with the same picture frames. I think I will always have a stack of books and magazines next to my bed to read. I do have a different lamp (at At Home store fine). A coaster and tv remote round out what on top of my bedside table.

Here are 5 things that are in my bedside table:

All kinds of “important” stuff. haha

1. Bookmark

In the top skinny drawer I have a few things including this cute heart bookmark. It attaches to the corner of a page. It came in a pack of six, and I put one in my mom’s Christmas stocking. Cute, right?

2. Chapstick/Lotion

Every night before bed, I apply some Chapstick and hand cream. It’s a habit.

3. Bible and Pens

I have a variety of pens in that top drawer, and then my Bible in the bigger middle drawer.

I’m pretty private in my faith, but I got a Bible a few years ago, and I figured my bedside table is a good safe place for it.

Three years ago, I used the Bible app to listen and read the Bible in a year. I was really glad that I did that. The Bible is still usually a part of my daily routine; I use the pens to mark scripture and make notes.

4. Bible Study

In December, I saw a December “A Season of Advent” Bible plan on Pinterest. I printed it and bought this Bible Study Journal, and I enjoyed incorporating that plan into my daily routine.

I’m using this New Beginnings plan to guide me through January.

5. Workout Sheet

At the end of 2023, Bodi sent me an end of year review with my workouts, and the link to this workout tracker. I thought it would be fun to have this visual to see what I accomplish this year.

Admittedly, I’m off to a slow start in January. Being sick threw me for a loop, and I’m much better about working out during the school year. I got back to it on Monday, and am hoping to finish January off strong.

My bedside table is a good spot for this because I can fill in the day before bed…and it won’t get thrown away by accident.

Also in the middle drawer, I have a couple books I want to read and/or hold on to. The bottom drawer holds a spare blanket…and that’s about it.

My bedside table used to be a disaster, but a few years ago, I really cleaned it out and got organized. I used to have lots of pictures, cards, papers, etc. and now those have a spot elsewhere. I decided if I wanted to keep pictures and cards, that they’d need to go in photo boxes, so at least everything is contained!

What’s in your bedside table?

12 thoughts on “Five Things in My…

  1. I only have a bedside table with a bottom shelf and the top of it – no drawers – so I can’t keep much. I have my airpods, my Laneige lip mask, my deep sleep pillow spray, a lamp, a wedding photo, and a fake little plant. That’s it! Tom has the tv remote and the ceiling fan remote on his side. I do the lip stuff, spray my pillow, lay down, put in one airpod and I’m off to dreamland with a House Hunters in one ear. Really bad habit! Ha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We only have one bedside table due to the space, so I’m surprised Travis hasn’t asked me to hold anything for him. Is a ceiling fan remote the best? Comes in handy! I guess I don’t really have trouble sleeping but I want to try the sleep spray.


      1. We love the ceiling fan and remote and it’s new for us since we did our bedroom. How did we sleep without a fan? Poor Travis! Maybe he can have one of those pouch things that goes between the mattress and box spring? I don’t think the pillow spray really does anything for me other than smell good. My Ashwagandha went with me to the UK – the spray did not make the cut – That tells you all you need to know!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The ceiling fan was in the house when we moved in…now I don’t think I could live without the remote haha
        Thankfully Travis is pretty low maintenance haha
        I still swear by my Olly melatonin when needed so that always goes with me when we go out of town.


  2. I loved this and I added the heart bookmarks to my cart on Amazon. Thanks for that! I need to clean out and organize my nightstand. Mine is the disaster like you talked about!

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  3. I have always loved the way that version of the Bible looks, and have been tempted to buy one. My nightstand drawers are kind of a mess, but on top I just have a few books and the tv remote. This was a fun post!

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