Posted in Holidays, Memes

Monday Memes


I know I probably say it every month, but how is it already the last Monday of the month? Seriously, I’m always sad at the end of June and July. Well, maybe these memes will provide a laugh or two for you.

Before I get to the memes…

On Saturday, Travis and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. Talk about time flying!

I woke up to pretty flowers and a card. Per tradition, he wrote my name in bubble letters and got creative with the #18. haha

On Friday night, we went out to dinner. Hadley snapped our pic beforehand.

We had dinner at Jeff Ruby’s. I guess when Travis made the reservation, he made note that it was our anniversary. So, at the end of our meal, the waiter brought out dessert and snapped our pic. He actually took our photo with a camera and when he brought the bill, he had printed the photo and put it in a card with a note. Well played…bigger tip for him!

I also had him take one with my phone…

After dinner, we walked over to the Infinity Sky Bar at the Marriott for a night cap.

Moving on to the memes…this one is perfect for our anniversary…haha

I guess when we checked in we were there for our steak and sushi appointment!

I’m married to this type of person!

Maybe July will be my “do nothing” month…We’ll see.

When I logged in to my school computer last week, I was met with a similar alert and could definitely relate to this meme.

This happens to me sometimes…and even on the blog. I always cringe when I read my published post that has an error or two. It’s so much pressure being an English teacher…haha

I have to remind myself that the blog is a hobby and doesn’t always have to be perfect.

My kids are in summer mode…and while they’ve kept themselves pretty entertained, this almost applies more to every meal that they consume. They eat non-stop!

This one just made me LOL…and it’s true!

Do you follow Cat and Nat on Instagram? They are so funny.

Anyway, this one is true too! I tend to use the front right burner the most. What about you?

I hope you’ve had a great weekend! I have four more days of summer school. It’s been fine, but it will be nice to cross last week and this week off my “to do” list for the summer.

Thanks for reading!

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