Posted in Let's look

Let’s Look

Hello! It’s already the second Wednesday of the month which means Shay and Erika are hosting Let’s Look.

In January we looked at:

  • How you organize for the new year

This month’s topic is: What you eat in a week.

A few things:

I typically incorporate Intermittent Fasting into my routine. That means, I just drink my coffee (with a splash of creamer or a Mini Moo) and then don’t break my fast until lunchtime. I’ve done this pretty consistently for about four years.

I always pack my lunch for school. Always. In twenty years of teaching, I’ve only purchased school lunch when they are serving the Thanksgiving meal. That’s it. To be honest, sometimes I hate packing my lunch, but I know it’s the healthier option and the quickest considering how short lunch is for teachers! I try to make a lunch on Sunday that I can get a couple days out of during the week as well.

I also typically have an afternoon snack whether it’s a protein shake, popcorn, or something else pretty simple. Sometimes, I will have another quick snack (like a smoothie, a few pretzels, etc.) when I get home if I know dinner will be late.

I make dinner at home Sunday-Thursday. I try really hard to make at least two dinners that will provide leftovers. I almost always make something Sunday that can roll into Monday because Mondays are our busiest nights and Mondays are just Mondays sometimes too!

Lastly, I usually do have some kind of sweet treat after dinner. Typically, that will be a cookie, or 70 calorie brownie, or a Built bar.

What I Eat in a Week:

I planned ahead and tried to track what I ate last week. I will say the beginning of the week seems like light eating for me. haha. Monday-Wednesday last week was when I worked late at school and was very busy during the school day. On Monday, I didn’t eat lunch until 3:00, so I feel like the first few days of the week weren’t super typical. Also, we ended up more leftovers than normal (even from takeout), so I ended up repeating some meals for lunch and other dinners.

Also, I didn’t track breakfast because that’s always just coffee with some creamer.


Lunch: I made Amy’s Greek bowls and some strawberries.

Snack: Protein shake…this is one of my faves.

Dinner: I had Shay’s Turkey Tortilla Soup waiting for us in the slow cooker when I got home at 7:00.

Dessert: a Fiber One brownie.


Lunch: same as Monday (Greek bowls) + green grapes

Snack: Skinny Pop

Dinner: leftover soup from Monday

Dessert: about 10 hershey kisses! 😑


Lunch: Turkey Tortilla Soup (not sure why we had so much left!) and green grapes

Snack: PB & J smoothie

Dinner: Baked chicken, bagged Caesar salad, fruit

Dessert: a Mint Brownie Built Bar Bite (try saying that ten times fast!). I’m new to trying these, but I like them.


Lunch: We were home due to weather, so I had time to make chicken quesadillas for myself and the kids. I also had an apple.

Snack: mini peppers and TJ Buffalo chicken dip (one of my faves!) and then pretzels later.

Dinner: Since it was a cold rainy / snow day, we had brinner which hit the spot! I had strawberries and turkey sausage with my pancakes.

Dessert: I had a glass of red wine while watching Ozark with Travis.


Lunch: Again, we were home due to the weather (Travis too), so I made a “Valentine’s Day” lunch.

Snack: veggie, pretzels and hummus


Travis and I had reservations at Bella Cafe for an early Valentine’s Day dinner. I ordered the chicken which came with Brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes. I took home half of the whole meal.

Dessert: We stopped at a favorite place for a glass of wine before heading home.


Breakfast: Proud of myself for saying no to the donuts Travis picked up.

Lunch: I had leftover baked chicken from Wednesday night, an apple, and some Lays potato chips.

Dinner: We had dinner out again with some of Trav’s co-workers and clients. I got the steak medallions, roasted potatoes, and broccoli.

Dessert: two Girl Scout cookies (ugh! but yum!)


Lunch: tortilla wrap with turkey, cheese, veggies, & mustard, an apple, and some pretzels. (I also went ahead and made a couple of wraps to take to school Monday and Tuesday.)


I actually didn’t cook because we were busy and everyone wanted random things. I ended up finishing up my chicken from Friday night, making a quick salad of arugula, feta, salt/pepper, and a squeeze of lemon, and some strawberries.

Dessert: I had made Shay‘s Valentine’s Chex Treats, so I enjoyed one of those for dessert.

So, that’s what I eat in a week! While we usually get take out or go out on Friday and Saturday evenings, it’s unusual that I went to two nice restaurants in one week. I think I made good meal choices, but I also had a bit more wine than usual given the eating out, Valentine’s Day celebration, and I love a snowy evening with a glass of red wine.

What’s one of your favorite “go to” recipes for lunch or dinner? I’d love to add to my rotation!

Thanks so much for reading,

22 thoughts on “Let’s Look

  1. You don’t eat much! I can’t believe you could last til 3! I think I would pass out. Your Greek bowll looks yummy! Love that cookies and cream and I was so surprised by how good it was. I love breakfast so much. I do try to fast for 12-14 hours but Erica waits til lunch, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Once I started IF, I was happy to have one less thing to do in the morning 🤣no breakfast. That being said, I sometimes have breakfast on the weekends and maybe this is why I love breakfast for dinner so much 🤣 I do think I eat pretty well which is why I continue to be frustrated on trying to lose some weight

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That is so true!
        One less thing!
        Maybe you’re not eating enough???
        My blog friend has lost 70 pounds on ww and kept it off for 5 years and in one of my eating lately posts she told me I wasn’t eating enough! Just a thought…


      2. Thank you. I know it may seem that I’m hard on myself but seriously I was good until March 2020 – Covid + sciatica issues, I gained 12-15 lbs and just came shake them (or lots of ups and downs) I am more focused lately, so I hope to chip away.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This was so fun to read! You eat so healthy (and such small portions) – it made me realize I’m eating too much 🙈no wonder I’m having trouble losing weight. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that TJ buffalo dip too!
    I eat about the same as you….interesting, my friends always say, “you don’t eat very much” but, like you,I gained about 15 pounds (different circumstance but still….) and really can’t figure out how to get rid of it. I think my issue is “the wrong things” but I’m also wondering if it’s my body changing (age) and I need to re-look at my daily diet. Like someone in your comments, I have heard that eating too little can hurt too…I just don’t know.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I try to make sure that we have leftovers with nearly every meal but leftovers go so quick in our house as none of my boys (or myself) are “breakfast” people and prefer what we call “real food” for breakfast. I’m trying to eat fruit/yogurt or eggs/frittata most mornings but I’d much rather eat leftovers from dinner. 🙂

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