Posted in Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites {#79}

Hey! We made it to Friday! How has your week been? We’ve had a good one, but we are definitely still working on getting into a new school routine!

Honestly, last week was so nice with all the back to school enthusiasm by all, but this week has been stressful. Our Covid cases have been on the rise (much like everywhere) and many kids are being sent home to quarantine. Lots of my kids’ friends are at home at the moment, and I have held by breath all week waiting for the quarantine phone call from school. Thankfully, we made it through the week without one. (I hope I didn’t just jinx us for next week!)

Today, I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika for this week’s Friday Favorites post.

Favorite Kid Quote:

I forgot to share this last week, but I found this note on my desk on my first day back to school. The kids had been up to school with me the week before, and Hadley left this note on my desk. I’m glad she added her last name, or I wouldn’t have known which Hadley left me this note 😉

Also, I’m loving allll the middle school details I’m getting from the kids…especially Hadley. She fills me in on every class when I pick her up from school.

(**One thing I’ve loved so far with the kids starting and ending later than my school, is that I can now usually do pick up after school. I always wished I could do that when they were younger, but now I get that opportunity most days.)

Favorite Food:

I met some friends out last weekend to hang with a friend who was in town. I always love getting together with them when we can, and the food (and friendships!) was amazing.

Last week, I treated the kids to milkshakes after school for surviving the first few days of middle school. They were surprised by the sweet treat.

Favorite Picture(s)

Hadley’s studio did head shots for their competition teams last week. These two photos were the ones I ordered and I love them. I also can’t get over how much older Hadley looks.

Favorite Moment:

Hayden used to be my most organized child…but he passed that organization baton to Hadley last year. The other night, she was getting her binders organized, and ended up helping Hayden…for a small fee. They negotiated, and $8 (one $5 and three crumpled ones) later, Hayden’s binders were as organized as Hadley’s binders.

Favorite Clothing Item:

This blouse has become a favorite of mine. Like most of my wardrobe, it’s versatile. I’ve worn it with shorts, but then paired it with my white denim (and my favorite sandals) for school on Tuesday.

Hadley saw this Rolling Stones shirt at Target a few weeks ago, and wanted it for back to school. She wore it this week, but couldn’t even tell me one song by the Stones 😉 She paired it with the gray ruffle Amazon shorts (women’s xs) that she has in a few colors.

Other Faves:

Hadley loved the fun surprise she found in our front yard celebrating her being on her studio’s competition team again this season.

Baseball photos on repeat continue to be a favorite. Even though Hayden is now running cross country for school, he’s still playing a few more tournaments with his summer team. They got two games in last Saturday, but Sunday was rained out. These are some of my favorite pics from Saturday’s games:

Hydrangeas are my favorite flower, and we have a few bushes in our backyard. My last Trader Joe’s flowers lasted almost two weeks, but then I decided to turn to the backyard to refill my Mason jars.

Kroger is speaking my love language having mums out already. I always wait until mid-September to buy mums and decorate my front porch, but the sight of these brought a smile to my face.

We stopped by to see cousin Wyatt Wednesday night to drop of his birthday presents. Time is flying by. He turned seven yesterday.

Favorite Mom Meme:

This meme made me laugh out loud. I can’t handle the number of times I find the chips without a clip or the boxes not closed! Ugh!

Bonus Fave: Flashback Friday

I love this photo from 2012. The kids had come to help me set up my classroom and have lunch! Now they are big kids in middle school!

Weekly Recap:

Here are my posts from the week. I enjoyed recapping my trip to southern California with Travis. Then, I chatted about Storyworth and what a great gift it’s been for my mom. Lastly, I shared my makeup purge and reorganization which had been on my “to do” list for a few weeks!

Believe it or not, we don’t have much on tap this weekend which is very much needed. We have a break from baseball which gives me some time to get a few other things accomplished and give us all some much needed downtime. Travis is still recovering from knee surgery, but is already off crutches and back to work.

Today, I have school, but we don’t have any students. This day off is always on our calendar, but it definitely feels needed this year to regroup and catch our breath from the start of the year.

What was the highlight of your week?

See you back here on Monday!

{this post contains Amazon affiliate links…}

7 thoughts on “Friday Favorites {#79}

  1. Those headshots are spectacular! I can picture Hadley in a playbill with those. I love your sandals! The covid numbers rising makes me nervous. Our school system is not requiring masks so I’m a little worried we are going to end up with a lot of kids home. I have one more week before teachers go back to school and I’m hoping to spend some of the time making my kids more like Hadley (organized and ready) – fingers crossed it sticks. Have a great weekend!


    1. Thank you for your kind words. I didn’t know what to expect with the head shots and love them. We are wearing masks and still all the quarantines are happening. It’s stressful. I hope you have a great weekend!


  2. I love that picture of them as little kids in your classroom!! So sweet! And Hadley cashing in on her organization help is hilarious– and genius! Her time is valuable and she knows it 🙂

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